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Hidden Oracle

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Posts posted by Hidden Oracle

  1. Someone from GEARS explained the new system to me. It doesn't really make sense (as a tournament), but basically, it doesn't really matter who you play, 'cause really you're "versus" everyone in your bracket. Since it's based on scores and not beating the opponent, a lot of teams will be at a disadvantage though. :/


    Like someone else said, you might as well be facing the practice team. -__-

  2. Edit: Actually, there is a much simpler fix than what I was thinking before. In body, change background-position to: 215px, 0px And in #main, add the line: margin-top: 0px; That should fix it. If you have any other problems let me know, I'm fairly decent with css. I actually had this exact same problem with a userlookup I'm currently working on, lol!

    Thank you so much! :D Actually I have another question too. xD


    The header for the Games/Trophy section is shorter than the rest of the headers, and I can't figure out why. D: If I try to change it, everything else changes too. D:

  3. I finally coded my Moltara layout. D: It took forever 'cause I suck at coding. ;-; (It's my current layout for my user lookup.)


    Let's see:

    Goals Scored 2,314

    Goals by Aldric Beign 1,596

    Goals by Tulah Kisner 365

    Goals by Vere Polnicek 220

    Goals by Zax Bannet 133

    Saves by Mor Gollog 406

    Number of Wins 275

    I use Aldric a lot. xD 'Cause it's easier to score from his position...or at least in my opinion.

  4. Yeah the rank calculator can tell you your prize points. However I was thinking about it and I wonder if it's accurate, what with the new system and all. There was also a rumor that playing the games when they offer bonus points also gives you bonus prize points.

    I hope so. D: I played a ton when it's a bonus game. xD


    Also I did the rank calculator, and apparently I have 4,400 prize points. D: I want at least 40k in case there's a paintbrush. xD

  5. Darigan yooyus are of the devil. I usually just keep the yooyu on the other side in hopes that the opposing team accidentally shoots on themselves. Although one time my goalie picked it up, and the most beautiful thing happened...when he chucked it, it went behind him into the goal. -__- ("Beautiful"=sarcasm if you didn't get that.)

    ..the FREAKIN goalie. I suck at handling it so I usually don't, but the computer sucks too. Is anyone else having this problem where the opposing player shoots the ball towards the goal and even though your goalie is right in line to catch it, it goes THROUGH them? >.<

    DUDE. My stupid goalie was RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE BALL. Nope. Right into the goal. -__- So annoying.

  6. Header? No no dear, I just mean a cool Moltara image to put in our signatures ^_^ For the forums!





    That's awesome though... o.o


    I can't do stuff like that. I'm not talented with Photoshop and such other programs. xD

    o__o I thought you wanted a layout. xD (Feels stupid now.) Ah well, I will make a header after I go to my meeting today. xD Good luck today against Tyrannia guys.

  7. I have a degree in web design/development. Lol! I can give you the code without having to put my name on it. It's easy stuff. I just can't do graphics. I stink at it. We just need a nice picture for us Gearheads!

    I can make it then. xD I guess I'll just make the header and send it to you?

  8. From what I remember, it should take about an hour. I can't remember the exact specifics, but I recall it being discovered that some "stay out" longer than others, so you may see more than one at a time. The petpage that I had saved no longer exists so I'm not sure how accurate that is now (about why some appear in groups) :(

    Ah, okay then. D: Thanks for the help. I'll just discard the worms and see how it goes. xD

  9. It's been a while, but I seem to recall that the worms are on about a 5 minute cycle from when you collected your first worm. So, if you found your first worm at 5:34, the next coloured worm would be available at 5:39.


    If you can dedicate a chunk of time to refreshing every minute or so, you'll be able to find the last two :D


    Some people usually discard their current worms and start over at a time they can remember so the other worms are easier to predict.

    So if I just start all over, it should take me in totaly 50 minutes right? D: 'Cause I didn't know about the time thing.


    ...But when I first collected my worms, I saw a bunch at once, so how does that work if each worm appears once every five minutes? D:

  10. LizyMarie--I can make graphics, but I can't code. D: I usually just use SunnyNeo's html, and put their name in the watermark to give them credit.


    Also, when the news came out on the GEARS board (about VP), some person said, "Flameo, hotmen!" It really made my day. xD (For those of you who don't get the reference, you need to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.)

  11. I saw Captain America the other day at my friend's house. ;-; I love that movie, it made me cry twice. xD I know, it's weird to cry during a superhero movie.


    The last movie I saw in a theatre was the Avengers. D: My friend watched the Avengers before watching Cap, which I thought was bad, so we decided to watch it at her house later. xD

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