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Posts posted by kyedigsme

  1. Those are nothing compared to the most embarrassing moment of my life, well, except for the auntie flow's gift, I would have died if that happened to me.


    So I was at the beach around the age of 9 or 10, and I had to pee, but they only had those nasty porta-potties and my mom had bought me one of those one-piece bathing suits because she said bikinis were too revealing.

    I had to either

    A. take it off


    B. pull it aside.


    I picked B and walked out, but I forgot to do one thing.. pull it back.


    No one told me until like 5 minutes later and I was so embarrassed I sat in the car while the rest of my family enjoyed themselves.


    And for like a week after every time I heard a snicker or laugh I was like




    Oh goodness! Nope, never done that, although I have had a few near misses with bathing suit tops and bottoms coming off because I'm so thin. Wow, how horrible!

  2. In my life of klutziness, I've had more than my fair share of mortifying accidents. I can't pick one that trumps all others, so I have 3.


    In 6th grade, I threw up in the middle of computer class. One of my classmates called me "Chunky" for the rest of the school year - ironic considering I was the skinniest kid in the class.


    Also in 6th grade: While sitting on the bleachers in health class (our health class was held in the gym since there weren't enough classrooms in the middle school), the boy in front of me turned around, looked at my legs, and said, "You've got some hairy legs," loudly enough for everyone in the class to hear. I started shaving immediately after that incident.


    Ninth grade: On a "ladies day," I stood up at the end of Spanish class to hand in a test and felt something odd. Turning around to look at my chair, I was horrified to find a red smear on the dark blue seat. I pulled my sweatshirt down as far as possible and walked up the stairs to my next class, praying that the people behind me couldn't see anything. I asked to go down to the nurse, only to find that the clinic was closed and the nurse was out for the day. At this point, I still wasn't entirely sure what the damage was, so I headed for the office. On my way, I spotted one of my friends. Problem: it was one of my GUY friends. Feeling I had no other option, I asked my friend to look at my butt. He looked at me strangely, and after assuring him that I wouldn't slap him, he bent down and took a peak. The horrified look on his face confirmed my worst fears. I had to walk around with my sweatshirt tied around my waist for the rest of the day.


    So...those are my most embarassing moments. What is/are yours?

  3. I've recently read "The Pale King," by David Foster Wallace, and I've been thinking about going back and reading his book "Infinite Jest" again. It's a very difficult book to follow (as are most of DFW's books), but it is wonderful if you can get past the endless footnotes, page-and-a-half-long sentences, and sheer volume (over 1000 pages). It explores a rather dysfunctional family and the effect that the pursuit of pleasure through entertainment can have on people. I've also read his first novel, "The Broom of the System."

  4. Players quitting in the middle of games is quite annoying. However, some players (myself included) never intentionally quit. Computer issues have prematurely ended games for me several times, one of which I got a neomail from the person I was playing against accusing me of cheating and threatening to report. I explained that it wasn't my fault - my Internet crashed - and strangely enough, the person asked to be my neofriend!

  5. I'm a second-time-around Neopets user. First time here, there was no Altador Cup (not that I remember anyway). So, I'm completely lost. I want to participate, but how do I do that? I know you have to sign up, but what happens after that? Mini-games? Yooyuball? I'm so lost!


    Maraqua ftw! :)

  6. I think most of us have issues with swimsuits because no one is made the same. I do what moni_rawr said for the most part. I have black solid bottoms and then you can wear pretty much any top you can find that fits.


    Yes, I believe that would be the best idea.


    I have the same issue...the only swimsuits that fit me are the string bikini ones where there's enough fabric to cover the "goodies" but you can tie the strings however tiny you need them.


    I'm not big into string bikini tops. I was raised in a somewhat conservative family, and I still feel that even though all the necessary parts are covered, anything like a string bikini is for my husband's eyes only. I lean towards tankini type suits. The one I have currently is sort of a tube top thing with a string that goes around my neck. The halter top tankinis don't always provide enough support, so I try to look for ones with a little bit more fabric in between the girls.


    P.S. Please don't take offense to my bathing suit view. By no means do I believe that women that wear string bikinis are prostitutes, attention-seekers, etc. Bikinis are rather commonplace now, and other people wearing them doesn't bother me. I just wouldn't feel comfortable wearing such things myself.

  7. I went shopping for a bathing suit for myself and swim trunks for my husband on Monday (my hubby didn't think he needed a new swim suit even though he wore his to his construction job last summer and totally dust-ified it - don't ask, hubby is slightly insane when it comes to dressing for work).


    Anyway, it was quite easy to find swimming trunks for my husband. Finding clothing for me - now that's a nightmare. I'm small. Well, sort of. I wear a pants size 1 in the junior's section, and I would normally need a small shirt, but that's where things get a little dicey. I've been blessed (once again, sarcasm!) with a wonderful (yeah right) hormone system that has decided that birth control pills = going through puberty again = add more weight to a certain upper region = spilling out of 34Ds. Finding a 34DD? Not likely. Finding a proper fitting swim suit? Forget it. Obviously, I have to buy separates - XS bottom and M to L top. Problem with bigger top is my torso and arms are still that of a small 32B person, so there's extra fabric everywhere except around the ladies. They're still smashed and falling out. Sound fun?


    Enter bathing suit section from supposedly hot underground areas. No organization whatsoever. No matching bottoms for tops. And then try looking for my sizes on top of that? Not a chance. After two hours, I gave up. Hubby got swimming trunks, and I got a headache.

  8. My husband and I watched it last night. It was okay. I hadn't seen many of the previous episodes, so I was a bit lost. We have the first 3 seasons on DVD and I've seen parts of the rest of the seasons. I'll miss the show, but it had to end sometime... Hugh Laurie is one of the most talented actors I've ever seen. I hope to see more of him.

  9. Ah, well, that would explain a lot lol. Thank you!



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  10. I logged onto neopets this morning and found that instead of the typical theme, my theme has changed to one that's blue with birthday cakes and celebratory neopet pictures on it. What is this supposed to be?

  11. I go through a rather strange hair cut routine - I let my hair grow for 1+ years (not even trimming the ends) and then I go get it all hacked off. This time around, I'm trying pomade for the first time, and it's great! I have baby-fine, straight hair that can't hold curl unless I soak it in gel and then spray it with super-hold hairspray (rendering it crunchy - yum), but the pomade is awesome at keeping my bangs in place and flaring the ends in the back. I feel like I've found a hairstyle that works well with my hair.

  12. Hi all,


    I'm super excited - I have an awesome new hair cut! My hair was about 4 inches past my shoulders, and now it's up around my ears! Lovin' it! So much easier to take care of. I'm using about 1/6 the shampoo I used to use. My hubby likes it, too :) Anywho, has anyone else gotten a new haircut recently?


    P.S. I would post pictures so you can see it, but I don't want pictures of myself floating around the Internet. It's a safety thing...

  13. The Wheel of Excitement is one of my dailies. For the past few days, every time I spin it (sometimes more than once a day if I'm on long enough), I land on 500 NP. I realize that it's all random, but I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this phenomenon.

  14. As far as spanking is concerned...


    I was spanked as a child, but not in the "parent out of control with rage" way. My parents would give me a couple whacks on the bottom (with clothes on, never bare-bottomed). And I never took away from those spankings that violence was okay. The key to spanking properly (or any form of discipline, for that matter) is not allowing anger to be the force behind discipline. Discipline should be given out of love. That may sound strange, but parents who love their children discipline them so that they will grow up learning right from wrong. Parents who administer discipline out of any other motive are the reason the spanking, time-outs, groundings, or any other form of punishment become problems for their children later in life. I believe that it's important to tailor punishments to fit the behavior and the child. For example, sending me to my room didn't work as a punishment, but my brother found being alone in his room torturous. If (well, most likely when) my husband and I have kids, we'll use whatever works for each child, within reason. I am all for trying time-outs and other forms of punishment, but I also believe that spanking when done properly can be used.

  15. I took a class last year that studied graphic novels, and we spent an entire period talking about the popularity of superheroes. I wish I had kept my notes now!

    Well, the first superhero, as we know them, if I recall correctly, appeared in comics that were sent over to American soldiers fighting in WWII. They were meant as propaganda and a moral booster, I think. They remained popular after the war with adults, but gradually became more and more popular with children.

    I think that for the adults at least.... it was refreshing to see someone always win. Where there was no real doubt about who the hero was and who the villian was. The villian threatened the safety of all, but they were always defeated - always. Its good escapism. The real world is seldom so black and white, and the is no guarrantee that the side of right will win.


    I have never been big into super heroes though. I tend to get annoyed with the portrayal of women in super hero comics.


    I'm not into super heroes either. I saw The Avengers with my husband mainly because I didn't want to be stuck at home alone. I found it...blah. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, but when you have no interest in super heroes and you go to a super hero movie, you don't really enjoy it. My husband thought the graphics and surround sound were awesome, and he thought that the Hulk's character was played out the best. I found Iron Man slightly amusing.

  16. I can't stand most of today's pop music, including anything by Justin Beiber. It's such a shame that music has become more about how cute the artist is than whether he/she can actually sing. Most of the teenagers today haven't even heard of half the people I listen to (although their parents more than likely have). But as for Justin Beiber as a person...he's simply a teeny-bopper special. As soon as he's old (which judging from the media will be when he turns about 25), he'll fade into oblivion. And the "Selena's carrying Beiber's baby" thing is just complete tabloid nonsense. Just because it's in a magazine doesn't mean it's true.

  17. I think it is stupid. Especially when it is one of yours friends that him or her tell you that he or she is going to kill themself. Then, you convince him/her not to do it BUT nooooo......He or she would be like "Nobody cares about me!!" If nobody didn't care about you, then....why are we convincing you to not kill yourself..?

    Sometimes, you just have to get over it. It is life. We all go through something. Just because you lost your gf or bf or couldn't get something you wanted doesn't mean go kill yourself. I understand if you got picked on, but you could go tell someone or say "F*** off!" If you were getting abused, I'd consider telling a friend or call police or something. So what's the point of killing yourself? This is the only time you will live.


    As someone who suffers from depression and an anxiety disorder and who has thought about suicide many times, I can tell you that rational thought goes out the window when a person is depressed. "Of course people care about you" simply means nothing. Depression is deep-rooted and insidious. Even the most logical person cannot apply logic to the thoughts and feelings of the disease. And telling people to "just get over it" is basically dismissing feelings that they can't control. It's the height of inconsideration. I've been to psychologists, psychiatrists, and other doctors, and I currently take two medications, but I still struggle at times. My family is quite supportive, and I will always be grateful for their love and care, but this is a battle I will be fighting for a long time.


    My aunt committed suicide about 3.5 years ago. She left 3 grown sons and a grandchild. She had be addicted to drugs and alcohol for years, and was dismissed from a treatment program for losing her job right before her death (the program she was in required enrollees to have a job). She was found in a wooded area several days after going missing.


    I believe that suicide is wrong from the standpoint of God, who prohibits taking a life. However, I also believe that God knows the circumstances surrounding a suicide and takes into consideration all factors. So although I don't believe that suicide is right, I can also understand why people take their own lives.

  18. I think bootcut jeans help with making you appear taller, so I generally go for them. Most of my jeans/pants/capris/shorts are too big in the waist, so I need to wear a belt, or tie them tight if they come with a drawstring tie in the front. I've even resorted to safety pins to make size 3 skirts fit. I have a pair of size 1 jeans that fits perfectly without a belt, but then if I go to the store and look at a different brand, a 0 doesn't fit right without a belt. It's extremely irritating. I think sizes should be standardized.


    The Seventeen petition sounds interesting. Maybe I'll look that up... Magazines like that make me sick. I've never felt I was pretty. In fact, I remember looking in the mirror at age 9 and hating what I saw. I don't bother with makeup (I'm terrible at applying it, it's time consuming, and I don't think it helps me that much), and although my husband finds that appealing and says that I'm beautiful, I still hate how I look. And then the media shows all these perfect, beautiful people, and I just can't stand it.

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