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Posts posted by jasper_111

  1. People would be doing the same things they are now regardless of if religion existed or not. I'm pretty sure you make decisions on your own right? Like I said use your logic, listen to what I'm saying and maybe you'll understand a bit of what I'm saying. I didn't even say religion was good, I said the people were. I said I happen to believe religion has done good in my personal life. Maybe if you stop thinking I'm trying to shove religion down your throat and actually listen to me you would know that. I don't care if you believe, I don't care if other people believe, I don't care if they believe in worshiping mashed potatoes.

  2. You don't have to tell me reason and logic go a long way.....I'm all for science; I'm saying your not using those skills; your using your bias on religion and believe me, I've been there plenty of times. It's easy to blame others for the problems in our world and yes I say our world because we all live here, it's all of ours to take care of. There is no ultimate answer. Not really, at least. Not everyone feels the same or experiences the same things. It's a personal experience to find what your answer is. Those who try to look at science for it are looking in the wrong direction for that reason, it's inside of us. Science has done great wonders and has it's place in my heart, but I just happen to believe in God and it's an important part of my life too that's all. I'm not saying you have to believe but don't blame religion for all the wrongs in the world. That's the only thing that bugs me. It's not like because I'm religious I'm any more likely to kill or murder you. It's what the religion teaches and how you teach it, I guess? I'm not sure how to explain it, but it's not that religion is bad, anymore than science is bad. Science has its own moral issues the same as religion and not everyone agrees with that. If that makes any sense.


    My explanation is that if someone is religious to a certain religion, then you would expect them to follow that religion. Of course, there are different interpretations but there's at least a common thread like love for one another. Murder and rape is not loving one another. I'm just saying like if someone were to murder a child and then claim "God made them do it", it's not a valid excuse, is it? I guess there could be a religion out there like that or something else (I really hope not) but people are just using it as an excuse to do things they know they shouldn't.


    Anything I say isn't directed at anyone by the way, it's in general. It's frustrating when you're talking to someone who isn't religious and they're talking of how bad religion is yet when you put your thoughts into it, they dismiss it just because they don't believe Now, isn't that bad in and of itself? I didn't say you had to believe, but have the decency to talk to me like a human being. We are so quick to dismiss others opinions when we can just learn from each other and live in harmony.


    The Westboro Baptist Church calls itself following a religion which technically I guess it is, since they have a church and followers but what they're following I don't know. It's not baptist; they're not affiliated with any baptist denomination and have been called a hate group. They're more of a cult it seems now, but I admit, if they do last over a few generations, I suppose they could become a religion. They don't seem to believe in the bible, more of money because they live off of lawsuits. I haven't heard them once actually explain what they believe, so I don't know if I'm missing information or they really don't know.


    In the end, I agree with you, but what I'm trying to say is religion is formed by people and depending on the character of the people, it determines the religion. In turn, religion is not the issue, people are.


    I'm not very good with social skills or explaining things for that matter, so I'm sorry if you may have been mislead in any way.

  3. Well, I'm pretty sure you have lied or cheated at one point during your life and no one questions you. It's because it is a common human experience, no one is perfect but God is. So we can look at him as an example and learn to be the best person we each individually can be. We don't have to copy him exactly, that's quite impossible. As humans, we don't have the capacity. God loves you even when you have strayed and sinned. As humans, we tend to get carried away with worldly matters. God brings us back to what really matters.


    By the way, you cannot say almost no one follows the rules of their religion. Many people are very adherent to their religion. If they are not, then they don't believe in it. Of course, we make mistakes but if it's constantly it's obviously not a mistake, You're getting fooled by people who claim to be religious but really aren't. It's surprising how you talk of people sinning by lying, cheating, killing, etc. yet you don't consider that they are lying to you, to the world. It's also surprising how people who don't have a religion talk of reason and logic to be the ultimate answer, which yes sometimes it is, but they tend to miss the human factor in everything, skewing the results. We are dealing with people here, not data.

  4. I'm happily in a relationship. My boyfriend went to the same high school as me and was one of my first friends my freshman year. We became close friends almost instantly and he had a huge crush on me but I wasn't aware of it until awhile later. It was weird because yeah, I cared about this guy and we spent all of our free time together but I never really explored my feelings. So he was friend zoned because I had no idea what to do lol. Then after I graduated, one night we were having one of our movie nights at his house and throwing caution to the wind, I kissed him. We've been together almost a year now and I couldn't be happier ^_^.

  5. I agree^ Most problems in the world today originate from us misunderstanding each other. I really think it's as simple as that we don't take the time to or even possibly it's just plain scary to go out of your natural comfort zone. We often forget that even though people may be different from us that they are still human just like the rest of us. Everyone brings some gift into the world, you just have to look past the exterior.

  6. I've always held marriage in high regard so it's hard for me to understand such relationships. I don't think they are wrong, I just have trouble wrapping my head around it which is why I've actually gotten into learning about it to try to understand it better but I personally don't agree with it. However, I may think it's wrong, but they honestly think they are doing the right thing with their lives and to take that away from them wouldn't be right. Everyone is free to live their lives in the manner they so choose. There is no exception to this regarding their actual belief system, although there is several circumstances that may be possible side effects in certain specific cases that warrant action, such as abuse or being forced into it.


    As for the children, it only makes sense they would teach them the same things they believe. If they didn't, it would be a great negligence to their own children. If you have children, you want to prepare them for the world by teaching them your knowledge and experiences of it. No one can say that what you believe is wrong because a belief cannot be proven to be either wrong or right. That's what believe means, to accept something is right without having any proof. It's no different than children believing in Santa Claus. While children are more impressionable than adults, as they grow they have their own experiences and form their own beliefs and just because they're parents may think a certain way does not mean they are obliged to think the same way.


    Furthermore, my viewpoint is that this issue is a moral one and while we can all form our opinions about it, we shouldn't judge others for it.

  7. I hope paper books don't go away anytime soon. I have two boxes full of them and love every single one. I do have a e-reader a family member gave to me once but I've never used it, which I feel bad about but an actual book is more satisfying to me than anything digital. I like things old-fashioned though well kinda I guess. For instance, I would love to own a log cabin out in the woods somewhere or swim in a lake because I don't like the city at all I find it suffocating. So it's really up to opinion I guess.

  8. My boyfriend had actually been playing way before I even had! He has a much older account which he had forgotten about but when we got together and he discovered I had an account too he was excited to get back into it. We play together now. We tend to play a ton of games together anyway though. Whether it's board games or video games, it's one of the ways we bond. I believe there's only one game I play that he doesn't....the sims hehe but that was expected. I've never met a guy who does :P

  9. What I don't get is why they had to torture those families of those who were killed by constantly playing it on the news. That's all I saw on any news channel I flipped to for about a week! I get it's sad and horrifying but do you really have to play it over and over again. I had to stop watching the news entirely because I had nightmares for 2 days....I can only imagine how the families must feel...probably 1000 times worse!!!

  10. I'm 19. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly a year now. We currently live together at my uncle's after a bad incident of moving into a rental with some roommates and it turning sour but were looking for an apartment for ourselves. I had a job as a cashier at a five and dime store but got laid off due to lack of work. Occasionally they still call me in when it's busy but honestly I need a better job. All of my things are in a storage facility and I'm tired of moving around so I'm attempting to rebuild my life again and settle down in one place. Which is why I haven't been on as much. I love to read books, especially fantasy and adventure. I used to write stories and poems but not so much anymore. I have a cat named Gracie; she's a tortoise calico and she's my baby. My favorite color is green because it reminds me of the forest and nature. I love arts & crafts of any kind and love learning new things. One day, I'd like to be either working in a daycare or teaching children. I am very family oriented but I am closer to my uncle than my actual parents. That's all I can think of to say XD

  11. This was my first GMC and I quite enjoyed it a lot. I'd much rather participate in this with playing fun games than do a plot with just clicking links. I've only completed 13 challenges, but I am quite proud of myself. I am not good at games at all and this event challenged me. Even if I didn't get the qualifying score, it definitely raised my own personal high scores as well, not to mention introduce me to new games I wasn't aware even existed. There were a bunch of glitches, yeah but at the end of the day it's just a game.

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