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Posts posted by jadorablack

  1. Bouncy Supreme is pretty easy once you get hang of the angles. Eye of the Storm is a simple clicky one as well :)


    Also things like Double or Nothing and Tyranu Evavu are simple and it's relatively easy to get a trophy at the beginning of the month if you're lucky ^_^


    Any games like Bouncy Supreme where it just takes a little practice are easy. Like Attack of the Marblemen, Nova Defender, Wrath of the Snowager... Smug Bug Smite is kind of like Fashion Fever in that it takes little time and little effort.

  2. This is a funny questions :) There have been studies that show people become addicted to video or compueter games because it gives them this sense of fulfillment within the game. LOL I know I'm addicted. For me it just feels awesome getting a new trophy, or a new avie that you've been working on. Also, Neopets does a good job at having site events frequently, like Daily Dare, or the Negg Hunt, so that keeps things interesting. And you feel like you have to be on every day or else you'll miss those events.

  3. When I started my account I named my lupe BabyPrinceCutie (I was young...) because one day I was going to save up enough neopoints to paint him with a baby paintbrush. And now I've surpassed (way surpassed) the 600K you need for a baby paintbrush, and I still haven't painted him. I guess my dream pet now would be a plushie Cybunny. So cute :) Plushie anything is adorable.

  4. I just wanted to say that I love The Daily Neopets website and I have it open when I go on neopets always. So thanks :) And after a year or more of using your website for advice, I'm joining the forums!

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