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Posts posted by JFGagnon

  1. Haven't even tried for that one.... I'm hopeless at any that require a bit of coordination


    It's pretty much just luck rather than coordiation. I got it on my first try by following the tips in TDN's guide


    Tip: This tip has a high success rate and will help you get the avatar faster. We have found, that if you purchase the Quadruple Fudge Cheese, a tad on the expensive side at 1800 neopoints, and only dive left you can complete the course in under 60 seconds at least once of your three tries. This method works about 90% of the time, so if you are going for the avatar, and don't mind spending a bit of neopoints, go for it! Remember the avatar is random, so this may require a few tries before getting it.


    How can I ever repay you?! This is going to be a million times easier now :D *feeds you grapes and fans you with palm leaves*


    Congrats on the Better Than You! I could never get that score O.o


    Good luck on Nimmos Pond (how did you manage to score 3000 pts without even upgrading lol O.o)

  3. .... upgrading? O.o What is this and how do you do it? D:


    On top of the screen, next to your bullet type, you have a number. That's the level lol. With the 3-way shot, the higher the level, the wider the spread. Just keep on collecting the yellow power up until you have your desired spread :)



    Arrrgggg... so close to get my Feed Florg avvie. I died at 240 :(


    Well, it might not be a Feed Florg avvie, but its still pretty nice: betterthanyou.gif :D

  4. Gahh!! How did you do that?! I always die around 3000 and I recently snapped the right arrow key off my laptop so I cant play it anymore ¬_¬ lol.


    Lol actually I managed to do it with a right arrow on my keyboard :P but seriously, just a bit of luck, don't move, only use your bomb if a lily is coming at you too fast and make sure you grab the 3-way power up (I usually upgrade it till it's level 4 and then I stop)

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