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Posts posted by emmz_emmz_

  1. Most seriously I collect avvies and stamps, and then Chomby items for my gallery. Aside from that, I'm currently starting to collect any Christmas related item for a gallery on one of my sides. My favourite thing to collect is definitely avatars though.

  2. I don't have any pets with me at university *cries* I miss them so much when I'm away :( at home however, I have a cat (more like a huge ball of fluff) called Max, who is the absolute love of my life ^-^ and two dwarf hamsters, Harry and Dougie :D


    I can't wait til I can get my own house so I can have my own kittens and a pug dog!

  3. Hey Rosalion, welcome to the forum :D I see you've been playing neopets for quite a while (your UL is super cute btw!) so I guess you need no introduction to anything in that matter! I hope you have a great time here, the forums are wonderful :)

  4. Hi Scott! Welcome to TDNF and to Neopets! It's always great to meet new players :) There's a lot of us on here that have been playing for a while, so don't hesitate to come to us with any questions you might have :) Have fun being a neopian!

  5. I got 2 last year, one of them is baby now :) love lutaris!

    I've never heard of the word Nolavik by the way? :S "He's called Nolavik which means Scientific in English"


    Aha, yes, sorry, I should have actually included what language Nolavik is from *heads desk* It's been one of those days!


    Nolavik is a word from the Volapük language, which is actually a constructed language way back from the 1800s. I just liked how it sounded and what it stood for :)


    I found it on an untaken name site, as unfortunately, I'm extremely uncreative when it comes to thinking of names!

  6. I would definitely only buy when they're low (personally I never buy anything higher than 17.) I think the risk is just too great otherwise. Sure, it could continue to rise, but at such a high price already, chances are you'll just end up losing out which would be a shame.

  7. First off, I want to apologise if this is in the wrong section, I'm kinda at my wits end at the moment and am at a loss for what to do!


    Basically, I have every piece of the Lab Map, except for the first one. I've been stalking the auctions for a week or so, and none have come up while I've been around to bid on them. The pieces that are on the TP are either ridiculously overpriced, or I've just not been hearing back from the owners, despite neomails and the such. I'm a bit desperate now, I've got enough pure NP to be able to buy the final piece, I just can't find one!


    I was wondering if any of you lovely TDNF-ers have the piece that I'm looking for that you'd be willing to sell me? I'm a bit impatient to get zapping :P If not, any advice on how to go about tracking down this piece of map that obviously does not want me to own it?! :D

  8. Most of them! hah. I'm so bad at games, like, the worst ever, so I really only ever play the easy ones, if that. It's not the way I make my np, so I'm not too bothered about missing out. Game avs are the ones I'm most missing though, and I keep meaning to start playing more, but I suck so much I just give up XD

  9. I like the fact that it enables everyones lookups to look different, adding a bit of personality to the site. Some of them can be terrible though, so I think it depends! I made mine myself, because I couldn't really find one I liked enough that would allow me to navigate off the page, and I was fed up, haha.

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