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Posts posted by silbert

  1. for those of you who have trouble. go to the event boards - people have posted their solutions in their petpages


    look for a puzzle that looks exactly the same and copy exactly what they've done in their pictures


    no brainwork needed. finished mine in 5 minutes

  2. LINKS to all of today's neggs














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  3. PLz Help


    My friend is trapped in the Darigan citadul. I am raising np to bribe the gards. If u send me 500np i will make sure that king Skarrl gives you a reward. my friend is very important at skarls court but dont tell anyone I said that.its a secret. You are very kind.plz reply soon.



    you are my hero


    I am trying to convert my dubloons into Neopoints but the pirates are after me you are my only hope.my neophobia prevents me from leaving my hiding place.but if you send me 1000np to secure passage to Maraqua Fyora will bless you and I will give you half of my wealth once i can convert it safely.faeries watch over you.



    New Wonder Codestone


    Your codestones are weak compared to the Wonder Codestone being developed by Virtupets Industries right now. Scientists are researching this awesome new technology that YOU can benefit from. Be the first to try it! Send 3.1415 NP to Otto B. Weiser at 117234 Dictator Way, Virtupets Space Station. Act fast!

  4. Well here's the legal standpoint - the law on self-defence revolves around a subjective test, as opposed to objective


    - subjective - whether you truly and genuinely believed that you were going to suffer bodily harm

    - objective - whether or not a reasonable onlooker would think that you would suffer bodily harm


    Obviously, your actions also have to be proportional, i.e. you cannot shoot someone who's 10 feet away and using words to intimidate you. Another factor is that the action has to be immediate, or within a certain time frame - you can't invoke the defence if the assailant is done beating you up, turns away, then you shoot him


    The "stand your ground" defence basically means what it says - you don't have a duty to retreat / avoid the conflict if you can


    I feel that self-defence is horribly grey - most of the time stuff occurs in the "heat of the moment" type of situations. Bearing that in mind, I'd rather the test be subjective - If I honestly and genuinely believed that someone was going to kill me, I should have a right to respond. It's because of the subjective nature that Zimmerman got away - plus of course the whole no other witnesses thing,

  5. For those of you who are having trouble, I'd recommend trying the superextrahypergravitymode. It takes a couple of games to get used to, and what I did was to collect a 4 to 5 neggs and restart if nothing good pops up. Works pretty well - got a power negg as a second negg and hit the score instantly

  6. Yeah. Decided to get Jade SS because it was one of the items that was I really wanted when it first came out, and I couldn't afford it back then :X ... Same with Monoceraptors Claw - it was like 24 Mil in the HT when it was still around - but now it's like 250+.. definitely can't afford to shell out 250 - 280 mil .... Managed to get the Jade SS at 55.. and LEV's are selling at about 45 to 48 atm so that's not too much of a loss?


    I haven't been actively looking for a Ttear probably because I'd be spending a huge chunk of the NPs I've got left - if I'm not wrong Ttear goes for about 65+ right now. I've just been looking out in the forums / trading post when I can. I probably go for it of the opportunity comes up though.

  7. I've been doing 1p for like the longest time and decided to start on 2p about just over month ago.


    Initially gave myself about 110 mil to play around with to leave myself a comfortable amount of money left. I'd probably go for Thyoras Tear if it were on the market but it's almost impossible to find.

  8. Thanks for the advice again!


    After some work, here's my new set. I'm starting to really like reflected icons - thinking about saving for a Glowing Cauldron



    Sword of Ari

    Sword of Reif

    Magical Marbles of Mystery

    Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield

    Hanso Charisma Charm / Slippery Floor Potion / Turbo Flame Reflector - the better reflectors just don't seem to be on the market :(

    Jade Scorchstone - decided to spend the money in the end :X


    Thick Smoke Bomb



    I had CBT for awhile but I found it quite annoying having to plan it such that you've lost 100 HP and your opponent still has at least 100 HP left, especially since one attack could easily do over 100 damage. Perhaps I'll give it a shot once I hit about 300 HP. Perhaps I'll feel more comfortable doing it with that buffer

  9. I guess I'm slightly late to this discussion, but here's my experience with long distance relationships -


    I'm originally from Singapore, but I've spent time living in California, New York and Hong Kong because of my family. I'm now studying in London and I've got a job offer for when I graduate.


    I've been with my girlfriend for almost 7 years now, which is amazingly long considering the fact that I'm only 24, but hey, she's the love of my life and I've never felt more comfortable with any other human on this earth. SHHHH I'm proposing to her in a couple of months and I'm totally freaking out. We share our neopets account ;)


    She's from Singapore too, and we spent a year doing long distance - it's complicated because I spent a couple of years in the Army while she went on to university, which meant that she was 2 years ahead of me. When it came time for me to go to university, she was starting her third year.


    In short, long distance never works. When I first left for London, we were at the 4 to 5 year mark in our relationship, and all it took was 3 weeks to break the whole relationship down. I really didn't want to lose the relationship so I flew back and forth like 12 times that year.


    But.. if you're really meant to be together, things somehow have a way of working themselves out... after much effort she's managed to get a job in London. she's moved here and it's been awesome. In exchange, I promised her that we'd move back after about 5 years and finally settle down.


    It's not just a one way road - perhaps you could come to a similar arrangement with your boyfriend? I hear that applying for jobs is insanely difficult for a foreigner in Australia and I'm going to bet you'll miss your family lots too. Plus the beer in Australia is total rubbish. <3 Oktoberfest :)

  10. Thanks for the advice guys. Totally overlooked Regeneration, or reflectors for fire


    My pet's just below 200 for all stats - probably hitting the next boost in a couple of days [codestone / kitchen quest training], so I guess I can keep healers on the backburner for at least a couple of weeks. Crisp Blue Tunic sounds amazing though.


    I'm horribly looking forward to the next plot, but I'm guessing the next one will probably be way after this year's Altador Cup.


    I guess I'll -


    i) Forget sticky hands - Replace with Ghostkerbomb

    ii) Probably keep Hanso's - the full dark blocking is definitely too awesome to give up

    iii) Stock up on a few Thick Smoke Bombs

    iv) Probably get a Faerie Tabbard / reflector for fire


    I quite like the idea of the Frozen Cyodrake Shield but i) it's horribly expensive and ii) it doesn't look like it can function alone as a shield, unlike HNMS which has pretty decent type coverage imho


    What do you guys think about the Sword of Reif / Ari combination?.. Should I be looking into PCC / Kelpbeard's Trident?

  11. Hi,


    The set I'm running now is kind of a work in progress -


    Sword of Ari

    Sword of Reif

    Magical Marbles of Mystery

    Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield

    Hanso Charisma Charm

    Greater Healing Scroll

    Green Sticky Hand

    Shooting Star Muffin


    I kinda know I need to change the last 4, but to what? I'm in the process of obtaining a Ghostkerbomb, but what's next?


    - A better healer costs a TON [bag of Healing Dust listed for 20 mil on TP when it's probably worth 10-12, Jade SS - 85 mil or LEV - 48mil]

    - A better sticky hand perhaps? - what do you guys think about sticky hands in battling? - I personally don't think they're absolutely necessary

    - A slot for downsize / think smoke bomb?

    - I find myself lacking a fire blocker which really annoys me sometimes?

    - Many if the item sets I've looked at don't really have space for a dual duty item, which I think are amazingly useful esp Hanso's for the full dark blocker - Should I keep one on?

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