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Posts posted by sweetly_sour

  1. Also, it appears the auction genie can't search anything but dung items and almost eveyr page of the most recent auction is filled with dung petpets/books/food/furniture etc. If you click on the user who's supposedly auctioning it the genie searches dung yet again.


    If you try and bid on a dung item, Nigel the Chia magically blocks your bid so I'm guessing none of these items are up for grabs. Regular non-dung items are still up for sale though!


    Can't telll if this is funny or just really smelly >.<


  2. Yay freebies/April! Just wondering, is it against the rules to collect monthly freebies on a side account?


    And wallflower, I'm having the same issue with the avatar. Perhaps its only awarded after April Fool's?

  3. All the best with your diet and healthy lifestyle! I for one love to eat, but primarily stick to fruits and veggies to get the vitamins and to avoid eating the useless junk my college serves up :P

  4. Hmm I like the new artwork for almost all pets (they still look a bit silly with their outstreatched arms/fists but oh well) but I feel like aishas got the better end of the deal. I still remember when their antennae were so pointy and awkward :nerd:


    I still miss all the plushie, royal and faerie poses though!

  5. I can't figure out my password for my side account, and I can't retrieve it either because it sends it to my old email address which I deactivate quite a while ago. I submitted a ticket and TNT sent me the password...to the deactivate account. I asked to have it sent to my updated email and was told that "since the account has been inactive for so long, we cannot release a password to an email address that has never been associated to the account."


    So is my side account gone for good unless I can remember my blasted password?

  6. The flash game avvies I have are because I like to play them! So yes, I still play Suteks Tomb, Freaky Factory & Carnival of Terror :D


    There are lots of game avvies that I try for but I doubt I'll enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

  7. I bought mine when the set was much cheaper and have had some interesting zaps but no avatar/dream pets. As of late though, my attempts at a halloween lupe are being foiled by multiple gender and stat changes :P


    I think it's one of the more interesting gambles you can take in neopets and I appreciate atleast trying it out.

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