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About starrystar

  • Birthday June 11

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  • Interests
    Hamsters and woollen socks.

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Newbie (1/14)



About Me

My Rant
Sometimes I feel as though I'm a lost citizen of Neverland, someone who has lost her footing and fell off the island and landed in Singapore. I don't feel or act my age even though I'm already an adult in the eyes of the law. Oh well, time to befriend a few students from the engineering school and get them to build me a plane. After which I'll fly towards the "second star to the right and straight on till morning". That is after I have finished reading the manual on how to operate the plane.

My Life
I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Science, majoring in Chemistry. During my free time (which I don't have much of), I enjoy playing Neopets and watching various animes and television serials. My favourite animes include Bleach, Claymore, Code Geass and Angel Beats and my favourite television serials include The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM and Bones.

I had initially planned to write a reasonably comprehensive profile, but I think I'll stop here because I have a short attention span. Thanks for visiting and have a good day!

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