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Posts posted by yupyupyup

  1. Cilantro (!!!!!), most meat, shellfish, olives, mushrooms, vegetables with weird textures or very bitter/spicy taste (like eggplant, squash/zucchini, radishes), tofu (even though people claim it doesn't have a taste, it totally does), apples (unless in baked goods) & probably a bunch of others that I'm forgetting.


    Yes, I'm a picky eater!


    The sad thing is, I retry most of the foods I don't like every now and then just to make sure that I still don't like them (with an open mind, I might add!). Growing up, I didn't like rice until I was 10-12.... now I love it. But the foods l just listed simply wont cooperate with my taste buds.


    Also sad: I'm a vegetarian that doesn't like a lot of vegetables, or a lot of non-meat protein sources (mushrooms/tofu). I just get my protein from eggs, beans/rice, and fake meats. :)

  2. I'm so mad! My beautiful spotted koi just got turned invisible! That's what I get for forgetting to put my lab rat as the active... Not to mention that my lab rat got turned invisible by an RE a couple weeks ago. Stop targeting my pets TNT!

  3. Hello. =) As you can see, I'm new to the TDN forums, though I've been using TDN for a while now for dailies, and just recently, avatars. I've been playing neopets for over 9 years on and off... it's definitely been a big part of my childhood but I just keep coming back to it. I only wish I could remember the username, password, email, and birthday I used for the first account I ever made, back in 2001 probably.


    This seems like a really friendly community... hopefully I don't inadvertently break any rules!

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