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Posts posted by yupyupyup

  1. The Trophy should appear in your lookup a few minutes before Midnight NST the next day (that is, if no one pushes your score down with a higher score they sent). Also, you can still get a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Game Trophy for any game that is featured on the Better Than You competition, there's not much to worry about in this case. :)


    Oh, thank you! This is my first legit game trophy (aka, not Cheat or Pyramids, or something like that), so I'm pretty excited! :)


    Hopefully it wont get pushed down!

  2. So, I qualified for a Bronze Trophy for Igloo Garage Sale - The Game (according to the high score table)! My score was reviewed and accepted... I got a neomail from TNT saying so. However, what I'm wondering is: when should the trophy appear on my userlookup? TNT didn't mention anything about a trophy in the neomail... do they normally?


    Does the fact that this is the current Better Than You game mean that I wont get a game trophy for it? Can a single score get you both the BTY trophy and the game trophy as well? (I did win BTY with this score.) Thank you!

  3. after a few weeks apparently they stop turning up, so you can discard them all (including lantern) and pick up a new lantern and search for worms again.


    i've never been lucky/persistent enough to collect them all, last time i got to all of them excluding the black one, but after 3 weeks i gave up, started again, but never got as lucky.


    Hmm.. I think I'll just discard the worms I have now, in that case. I think have 6.... I collected them a LONG time ago and then just sort of halfheartedly checked for the rarer ones every now and then. I'm not sure if I have the motivation to get them all, haha.

  4. Oh my! Congratulations! (And I just had that jacket in my shop about a week ago.... someone finally bought it after a month).


    Definitely do the quest! As people have said, you can trade a FFQ custom OR get the Buzzin' Avatar. Or just wait and see if a new pet color you like gets released later down the road. FFQs don't expire, so you have all the time you need. Getting your pet repainted almost any color you like for 54k is quite a bargain!

  5. I can't believe year 14 is already upon us!


    My resolutions are:

    • Get lots of NP (aka get 10 million in the bank)
    • Do ALL the plots/events TNT releases this year completely. (aka: Daily Dare, Altador Cup, GMC, and hopefully more)
    • Repaint my spotted Koi that was turned invisible by an RE and enter her into the BC
    • Get to 250 avatars and 25 trophies
    • Get something published in the Neopian Times!

  6. I had only Cheese, Drackonack then Vegan Cheese in my inventory - Refreshed for about 2 weeks with no joy. I read a post by another member who's just switched the cheeses around and it worked; I did the same thing and after about 2 mins I had it!


    So I'd say Vegan Cheese, Drackonack then Cheese, if that doesn't work then switcharoo tongue.gif


    Good luck, I hope you get it!


    Thank you for the tip! I was having trouble getting the avatar with the Cheese, Drackonack, Vegan Cheese combo. So I switched, pressed F5 for about 10 seconds, and got the avatar immediately. :)

  7. Haha you're just like me. My mom always makes fun out of me for neot eating vegetables and being a ''vegetarian'' :D I'm actually not a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat. Or like veggies :)


    It's nice to meet another vegetarian that doesn't like a lot of veggies. :) I get made fun of all the time too... I'm trying to learn to like more veggies because they're healthy and all I eat right now is mostly sugary or bready things.


    I'm less picky with sweets, but I don't like things with a lot of frosting/filling/cream (I usually scrape it off).


    And even if I really like a food, if I eat it a lot, I stop liking it. It just no longer tastes good to me anymore. Weird, I know :\ For example: I go through phases of liking eggs, and then suddenly they are super disgusting to me and I stop eating them. Then a month later, eggs are appealing again.

  8. I'm pretty much a true pack rat. Even after getting the avatar, I couldn't break myself of the habit of just chucking every item into my SBD if I didn't need it right then.


    So, to answer your question, neither donate nor discard.


    (As you can imagine, my SBD is filled with a lot of junk. But since I forget what I put in, I sometimes make nice discoveries when I look through it from time to time.)

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