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Posts posted by pokersmoker

  1. I just got this item and found out its the first one in neopets so its up on the trading post right now so send some offers to "chewymilk"



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  2. So I apparently have one of the only ones or the only one I have yet to see another one and i look everyday also I keep trying to sell it but noone will even put one bid on it what the heck is wrong? such a rare item and nothing?

  3. Okay so i have been playing the role of a "Restocker" now for a few months, I started with around 3.5 mil maybe and its going down down down partially from me making the stock be able to hold 410 items.

    • Issue #1 I use Uni's clothing shop as one of my restocking locations(I only know of 4....) and I get items that are worth alot but noone EVER buys them i'm not sure what to do. If I could sell them I would actually be making a good amount of money
    • Issue #2: I don't know where the best restocking shops are and how I should put them in my shop, 1 item at a time, 2, 10?
    • #3 I just need some general help guys i would be grateful if someone were to help me maybe through msn or somethign like that but I just want to get better, thank you!

  4. So I was wondering if I should read all the books I get to my main pet (I guess my only pet the other one I just feed food to XD) also if they do anything for me I know it raises intelligence but does that help? Thanks in advance!

  5. Do you mean those items? Both of those are wearable items, and these "gifts" can't be opened and they are used for customization purposes only.

    I am clicking the item in my inventory and I cant wear anything? I have alot of "Wearable" items and not sure how to use them sorry im a noob I just came back to play some flash games and got lucky with a halloween PB so i figured id give it a shot but kind of annoyed I bought stuff for battledome and it doesnt give you anything... ohwell there must be something to do

  6. hey thanks everyone! Now I just need to figure out how to play keyquest and habrium or whatever its called it seems people have good luck with it!


    Actually I still cant figure it out im on my neoboards and I cant find anything that says preferences.... thanks


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  7. man im talking about items like "Soggy Sewer Gift or "Ghostly Gift" where the item is a bag or looks like a present not the cookies and [removed]


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