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Posts posted by eightbitdimwit

  1. With the addition of a real pet to my home that will need training, I'm cutting down on my time spent on virtual pet websites. Adult life is starting to get busier and busier, and I just don't have time now or in the forseeable future to appreciate these pets.


    I don't ask for complicated applications, just a neomail one explaining your interest will do.


    I will only be able to do one transfer per month, and it's first come first serve in that department.
    Please mail my main account eightbitdimwit and not a side as I don't check them.


    Anuhart - Jelly Grundo
    Cairoku - Wraith Scorchio
    Leires - Snot Blumaroo
    Zetarun - Darigan Meerca
    Czeuhs - Shadow Gelert
    Flamekahn - Darigan Scorchio
    Overclocked - Electric Kougra
    TzMa - Jelly Kyrii

  2. I think they're okay, but I don't really care about them. I've used "animal" Neopets since childhood and been encouraged by the website to view them as pets, and anthro Neopets are human enough that it's weird to keep them like that. The world in general lacks solidarity, though.

  3. I wish I looked at those untaken neopet name sites...even though most are big words which majority of neopians wouldn't know the definition of, it's still better than what I thought was "cool" at the time.


    I've gotten several names from more obscure video games, such as Mindas, Solberg, and Leires.

  4. I couldn't find a topic in the last several months, so here we are! :thumbsup:


    Since we have new episodes rolling in for the rest of March, I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about.


    I'm not sure how it plays out in the comics, but I'd like to see them leave the prison and go out on the road again. There's not as much petty interpersonal drama as there was in season 2, but I kind of miss the feel of exploring a post-apocalyptic world and daily danger. The stake out is cool, but if Andrea is any sign of the writing coming up it seems like it's going to be predictable in addition to slow. Morgan was a nice break, though.

  5. I was on anti-depressants in my teens for awhile. The way I see it, some of these things are like a blip in the brain's processing and the medication - regardless of how long you need it - makes it so that you're able to express yourself more naturally. I know that's how I think of my anxiety and the possibility of needing medication for it now: I didn't ask for this and I just want to do what I want and not what my condition wants.


    Even if it's for the rest of your life, you'll be able to live the rest of your life being you and doing cool you stuff without depression butting in. Not sure how much that helps, though.

  6. Finding things. I'm a mad organizer, so seeing that there's a multiplayer lobby (yes, I found both!) and it isn't linked to from the games room or anything like that makes me die a little inside. I'm also fussy about concise and informative formal writing and instructions, so things like incomplete or needlessly verbose instructions grate on me. I'm the kind of person who takes 70 words away from a tutorial containing 700.


    Neopets, I could make you so much more efficient with just an evening of access...!

  7. Occasionally I find myself in a game where the opponent's score rises constantly, though I think while the tiles are lighting the pattern score stops rising. I know there's supposedly a way to abuse the game via the first tile, but how can you tell if that's what's going on?


    While I usually play on a laptop with a touch pad, I also play on a regular computer with a mouse and I don't recall mine going that fast. It's especially suspicious when someone isn't particularly fast at the other mini-games.

  8. Dang. And even non- low-res Key Quest isn't loading properly, so I can't make private rooms for my friend and I. Neopets' help and contact forums are broken for asking about Kacheekers or getting information, too. I'm embarrassed to be inviting people here right now.


    Now you can play a live game with your NeoFriends. It's just like checkers or draughts
    so you already know the rules.


    But how? I can't find any kind of invite option. Or is this a matter of semantics and "my Neofriends" is code for "random people in the competition."

  10. you can't use that code while paused. what you can do is pause your game, type in the code except for the remaining e. then you can take your game off pause, type the e and you should have more time. That code can only be used once I believe.

    Ah, that clears things up - thanks! I got it without the bonus though.


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  11. Just to confirm, because I've tried several times and it isn't working:


    The code for more time is "plzsutekcanihavemoretime" and it can be used while paused.


    Has anyone else been experiencing code failures? I've lost potential avatar scores on this. >_>

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