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Posts posted by Otempora

  1. I'll have to try some of those!


    I totally understand about the future mother-in-law. Mine is way controlling. I'm a bit worried about a wedding or having kids with her around. I know she'll be mad if I don't include her but I think if I do she will make her opinions the loudest ones. Good luck with her!

  2. I love Sundays! They are a lay around in bed, maybe read a little and don't feel obligated to get up days. Except when I have to work, or I have a midterm on Monday. Which unfortunately I do. Oh well. It's only Tuesday so I can dream of a relaxing Sunday instead of the usual freak out because I have to do all my homework on the last day of weekend.

  3. Right-Left-Left got me to:


    You enter a small chamber and gasp at the beautiful stalagmites... or are they stalactites? You can't seem to recall. You spend so much time trying to remember that you barely have time to escape the cave before your torch burns out.

  4. Thank you!


    I have always been a fan of the TDN dailies page, so I have no doubt I will find these forums as helpful as you say they are. I have started using TDN's avatar lending program. It is the first time I have ever been part of a lending scenario; I am still a little hesitant to do pet lends because I'm not quite sure how this whole transfer thing works.


    Yea, I've been working on Albelon for a long time. She was zapped baby gelert by the lab ray. She changed gender quite a bit too, I have trouble remembering that she is a she and not a he as I originally made her. :P

  5. I used to use the lab ray, but soon got fed up with the constant up and down of stats. Now I use the Mystery Island training school almost exclusively. I'm just working on getting him up to level 250 and then hitting up the ninja school before I start really training on the new stats. It's just too expensive with 8 codestones right now to train in anything but level.

  6. I think that being a feminist and being a strong woman are two different things.


    I really respect strong women that don't put up disrespect or rudeness, know exactly what they want, and how to get it.

    When I dress up I do it for myself; I agree that it isn't necessary to dress up and paint your face for a man. All the real men wouldn't think it was necessary either. I think it's a woman's choice to do all the things you suggested.


    On the other hand, I think feminism is out of control when women get mad at a man holding the door for them, or pulling out a chair. I hold open the door regardless of what gender happens to be coming in behind me; it's just polite.


    I don't necessarily agree with you that women are weaker. Certainly some women are weaker than some men and some men are weaker than some women. Your statement was an overgeneralization.

  7. Hi!


    I have been involved with neopets on and off again for about nine years, and I'm getting back into again. I'm looking to up my avatar count and train my pet (I have also become a little addicted to habitarium). I love learning new tips and tricks and talking to people about the game so I thought I'd join these forums. I hope everyone is having a spectacular day!

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