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Posts posted by Otempora

  1. I'm German, Irish, Scottish, and Dutch. But it's really like 75% German. Two sets of great-grandparents immigrated to the US from Germany, Another set of great-grandparents immigrated from Scotland, and the other set were okies in the dust bowl and I may be related to someone that signed the Declaration of Independence on that side of the family. So I am also very American. Grandparents, parents, and me were all born and raised here.

  2. I am 5'2" or around 158 cm.


    I am 20 and haven't grown since I was 13. Yay for fitting into the same clothes I wore in middle school! Actually it kind of sucks. It's hard to find grown-up clothes without going into the petite section.

  3. A bath sounds amazing right now, especially since it's so cold! Sleep sounds good too. I'm making progress on my homework though, slowly but surely. It should really only take me 30 minutes, but I've been working on it that long and have only read 2 pages. Reading about the snowshoe hare 10-year cycle for my ecology class is not as interesting as it may sound.


    I wish my last midterm for this class was better. I got a B average. Here's to an A for the midterm in 2 days that I haven't studied for yet!

  4. What are you avoiding completing...or starting? Or are you one of those people that never procrastinates?


    I have homework that's due tomorrow and a midterm on Thursday that I really need to study for. Unfortunately, I just got off work and don't feel like doing any of that. Instead, I shall sit here and scan the boards while listening to music on youtube. :D

  5. First off, Will you be participating?


    Any ideas on the prizes and/or the "exclusive item" we get by completing all the missions? Also, how long is it going to go on for? This is the first week, but there is a new mission every week, so do you think it will go until xmas? It's all very curious.


    I am excited about it!

  6. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving! It means a 4 day break from school and work, plus seeing all my family. We watch the macy's day parade in the morning while cooking and/or baking, then we go to my grandma's house and eat a fabulous dinner at 3-4 pm. I never know why it's so early. All my dad's side of the family is there.


    As school has me more and more stressed out, I am craving the holidays!

  7. The Lion King 3D

    Harry Potter 7 Part 2 (I actually saw this one twice in Spain, once in Spanish and once in Spanish with English subtitles; I have yet to see it in the U.S.)

    I have no clue what comes next...

    I am a poor college student and can't afford to go to movies very often.

  8. I have some rare items up for trade! Please neomail offers.




    Also, if anything tickles your fancy in my gallery, send me a neomail!






    I am about to restock my shop as well!



  9. I get on and off neopets every couple of months, it's like a cycle. I just came back after about a year long break, but I'm hoping I can keep it up this time. Or at least long enough to get all the seasonal avvies I'm missing. Enjoy the forums!

  10. Thanks Izzy!


    You request an item by going to the avatar lending program home page:




    There is a right side bar with links. If you want an item click Items for Lending. Click More Info nest to the avatar you want and then click request item. It will direct you to a short application where you must state why you are trustworthy and what you will be offering as collateral. It's very simple and should only take a couple of minutes, if that, to request an item.

  11. I want to participate so bad, but I don't have any ideas. Or rather, I have ideas but I don't have the patience to sit down and write them out. I'm also super stress with school, midterms, finals in a month, etc. Maybe I'll try to sit down this weekend and go for it.

  12. Hello,


    So, I requested the Fyora Queen Doll several days ago and haven't received a response yet. For the other items I've requested it's usually a matter of hours before I get a response. My main question is are we informed if we are rejected from an item or is it just assumed? Also, I realize the doll may be going through several hands first before it gets to me. With that in mind, is there an average time limit in which one receives the doll or an average number of people on the list to receive it? Thank you!


    I'm not in a rush to get it or anything, just curious over how this works.

  13. Hello!


    I am rather new myself. I also started to do the avatar pet lends. Now that I've been focusing a lot on my avvie count, it's gone up quite a bit. However, I still have a lot of work to do and TDN is helping me out tremendously. The forums are a great place to hang out, I wish you all the best in your avvie quest!

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