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Jess Is Somewhere Else

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Posts posted by Jess Is Somewhere Else

  1. Not a lot, actually, if any. But when I was 12, I was running my hand along a wooden fence at school, and got a splinter under my nail on the middle finger of my right hand. When having it removed (i had to wait ages for that), they made me breathe this gas and it felt like a dream. And then I felt light after. I was with my Nanna, Mum was working.

  2. Just a warning. It's My Dad's birthday on Sunday (And mine a week later) an he thought it would be fun to drag us out to another town. But his friends arre coming, the ones from Brazil that are staying with us, and his friends that teach music at their home. And they're bringing their dog with them, who my Dad dislikes (or pretends to dislike - he's always had a thing about dogs). So you won't be seeing me then.

  3. There are all different kinds of cake, which is what I like about them. And they come in all shapes and sizes, and can have stuff in them, but I don't know of any pies that have bits in the pastry rather than inside.

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