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I can has fail?

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Posts posted by I can has fail?

  1. Hmmm... this avatar is tricky. But, even if it is the "new Bonju" I know we'll figure it out sooner or later. Why? Bonju was solved, even if it took a while. So, if this avatar is the same as Bonju, we'll crack it someday!


    The avatar isn't seasonal, though. I read the editorial in the NT WAAAAAAAAAY too much.


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  2. Spoppy IIs are for TNT staff and Spoppy III is only owned by adam, that's all i know


    In HRobi's gallery, I saw a Spoppy, a Spoppy II, AND a Spoppy III. If it only belongs to Adam, how? Hmmmmmm...


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  3. Good luck getting the neopoints. I'm terrible at saving... I once had 46k, and the next morning, it was gone. I've had the basic pets for over 2 years now. I have an orange Koi, but that's thanks to an adoption. :I

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