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Posts posted by GabbyGirl

  1. Ah! I try to live my life helping others. One of my favorite sayings is "Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out" - Frank A. Clark.


    The other day on the boards I happened across a wonderful user who was lending their FQD for free. I still needed the avatar and I neomailed her offering full collateral but instead she just sent me the item and asked me to be fairly quick. It's been quite some time since I have encountered that on Neopets. Made my day ^_^

  2. I have such mixed feelings for school this year! I am incredibly nervous about meeting a bunch of new people, and trying to handle college classes for the first time. I am so excited though to have a chance to grow up even more, and I'm sure the people I become friends with will be absolutely amazing :)

  3. Hey GabbyGirl! I'm Arie! Its nice to meet you!


    I've been on Neopets for 6 years now, on and off, changing accounts. :)

    You'll really like it here! :D

    Hey Arie! It's nice to meet you too!


    Hi there GabbyGirl, welcome to the forums! I'm Ain!


    I've been playing Neopets for only 4 years now. There should be some people who played longer than you. So don't consider yourself crazy! ^_^


    I'm sure you'll like it here and just have a great time here too! ^_^

    Hey Ain! I sure there are loads of people who have been playing longer than me. It jut seems so crazy that it's been that long I suppose :)


    Hello, Gabby girl. Welcome.:D


    I have been playing neopets for 10 years with hiatuses and changes of main account along the way...


    I have only been on TDN's forums for a little over a week, although I have used the TDN avatar guide since avatarlog went on hiatus. before that I just mainly used TDN's battlepedia...to help with the DoN


    TDN has been greatly helpful. I hope you find help toward greater enjoyment of Neopets on the daily neopets.

    TDN has already helped me so much. I'm sure it will only continue to do so!


    Wow, an Unconverted Ice Bruce! Way to go!

    Anyways, I'm Neomysterion, and welcome to the forum. I'm one of those people who played Neopets longer than you by the way.

    Yes, I love my Ice Bruce! I absolutely refuse to update the artwork. I wanted an Ice Bruce when I joined because they looked like a cute penguin popsicle. THe new artwork makes them look like a sweaty red bruce haha.

    But, nice to meet you Neomysterion, I'm sure your many years of acquiring Neopets wisdom only makes TDN better!


    welcome to the forums.

    you can find here a lot of help to gain avatars.

    but also tips and help for other things to do on neopets

    good luck with it

    Thanks! Can't wait to discover more of the tips TDN has to offer.


    Hi Gabby!


    I've been on Neo for about 10 years myself on and off. It feels like just yesterday, which is bizarre!

    Well done for joining the forums, you'll love it here. I lurked for about 3 months before I plucked up the courage to post :P


    Hope you have a fantabulous time here and make some snazzy new friends (which I'm sure you will :))


    - Oh I'm Shannon btw

    Nice to meet you Shannon! I can't believe how fast the years go by. It is really bizarre when you start to think about it.

    I'm so looking forward to talking to all these snazzy people :P

  4. Hey Marissa!

    I am brand new to the forum as well! I try to collect avatars but it really goes day by day. The game avatars can be so frustrating! Right now I've decided saving my np might be a better option. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! Hope you enjoy your sleep :)



  5. Hey everyone! I've been a member of Neopets for 7 years now! Crazy. I haven't been that active over past years as school and roaming the outdoors have taken up a lot of my time. Anyway, I have been using The Daily Neopets site for awhile now and finally decided to join the forum. So I just wanted to post and say "Hello!". I am extremely excited to discover all the site has to offer.

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