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Posts posted by GabbyGirl

  1. I really wouldn't worry about it! We all understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and sometimes things can get heated. I'm glad you realized you were a little too heated, that's more than some people I know can admit :) I hope things are looking better for you to stay with neopets!

  2. This is one of my favorites :) Makes me want to anonymously help others more!

    "Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out." Frank A. Clark

  3. Can I send food other than jellies and omelettes? Or are those the only ones?


    You can send almost any item you want to other accounts except ones that are clearly label "No Trade".

    Anyways, if you are trying to save neopoints when feeding your pets I would stick to the freebie foods. If you need more you can buy jellies for cheap in the marketplace. If your pets will eat the cheap food, and you aren't trying for a grommet award I say stick to the cheap/free stuff :)

  4. I've been in a few guilds before, however I never found one that really made me want to stay. I always felt like the board was either dead, or those members who posted were already best friends. I feel like a lot of users join the guilds with the 1np auctions and such however that doesn't make a great guild. Most of those members will just float around trying to get free stuff, and not actually participate in anything.


    So, I guess I am trying to say that if you do join one, it may take some time to find the right one.

  5. I think if you have neomailed with them about transferring the pet back I'd wait to contact TNT. If they can't transfer the pet back tomorrow, or on October 1st, since they seem to think they ran out of transfers then I'd consider involving TNT. Not sure what will happen to your pet, however I feel like they deserve to be frozen for scamming you to lend them your pet. Best of luck! Hope it all works out for the best :)

  6. Welcome Aronel! You can call me Gabby. TDN is such a wonderful place to find help with those pesky avatars. I know I would never have half the ones I do if it weren't for the solutions and checklist! Feel free you ask me any questions and I shall try to answer. If not, we can always find an answer together! Hope your day is just peachy ^_^

  7. I absolutely love getting kind neomails. The begging is just what drives me crazy.


    Personally, I would support FFQ being a user privilege after certain amount of time. Although, since they can create rarer pet species the timeline would have to be long. I'm thinking like many years. Your friend is extremely lucky with the random events to have had that many so far!

  8. April, I would have never guessed English is not your first language. Just ignore all those rude people on the boards!


    There are a few things that annoy me. I'd have to agree with the random avatars and especially the FFQ, in my 7+ years I've never gotten one.

    One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is when people neomail me asking for my pets. I mostly get offers for my UC Ice Bruce, Tco. When the users are kind about it I am totally fine, and always respond kindly. It's when I get someone who won't leave me alone about it, or they act as if by keeping my pet I am in some way being mean to them. It leaves me in awe sometimes that they think me keeping my dream pet is "hurting" them...Sorry I'm not sorry?

  9. I created one today on a side account. I'm not quite sure what I want to paint it yet. My guess would be maybe a water color? Although I think there is a high possibility of a woodland option being released as well.

  10. My family follows the Patriots ^_^ I lived there when I was younger, so I am proud to say I was a fan before their almost undefeated season when lots of people jumped on the "Patriot Fan" bandwagon.


    Their last game against the Dolphins was absolutely fantastic, so hopefully they make it this year!

  11. Enchanted - Taylor Swift. I think I have like every song she's ever done on iTunes. >_> I don't care if they're all the same; I love them anyway.


    I absolutely love Taylor Swift. Sure, the songs all sound the same, but the lyrics relate to everything in my life ^_^

    OH and have you heard that the Owl City singer responded to Enchanted by creating his own version of it? So sweet!


    Today I've been listening to youtube videos of a very talented Erin Kim. I think she's one to watch out for.

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