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Posts posted by tyxl

  1. There are a lot of items in Neopia, and there are even some that cost a lot and people still buy them for an unknown reason. The items you sell because they aren't of use to you are usually for faerie quests, to feed pets, battledome, or any other kind of stuff. You'll end up selling a lot of useless items for a big price, so get used to it.

  2. Hehe, thanks for the warm welcoming to TDN guys! I really appreciate it.

    And thanks, I'll get that Halloween PB soon.


    Hello there are welcome the forums! I'm Emmy. Good luck on the Halloween PB, make sure when you do paint your pet NOT to use him as your active. My friend painted her uni only to have it change invisible 2 days later O.o

    Actually, any pet I paint will remain inactive, but taken care of. I'm not planning on using that painted pet as an active, that was the first thing I planted on my head the moment I started saving up.

    It could turn invisible or get baby-zapped D:

  3. It actually depends really. Like, if you want to get zapped by Boochi or not. Well, here's an example: You've been playing some time now for a Baby PB, you're less than half way there, and Boochi zaps your active, the one you want to be a baby. This is, technically good. If it zaps another pet that is not the one you wanted it to zap, then it could be bad..

    If you've been playing really hard to get your active painted a good color, let's say.. 'Darigan', and your active gets zapped by Boochi and you lose all your effort right there.. Well then yes, it is bad in that occasion.

  4. Water looks really nice. Although I think they shouldn't be throwing in so many paint brushes, it does though look like Maractite.


    I wonder if it's just me, but doesn't water look like fire, in an opposed manner.

    but it seems to just be the opposite of Fire.

    I'm pretty much saying this.

  5. Amazingly, and proud of.. I have the following flash game avies:


    Kass Basher, Destruc-oblahblah III, Volcano Run II, Graveyard of Doom lol?, Ultimate Bullseye II, EPC, Typing Terror (I'm very very proud of this one! ;D), EFMC and Carnival of Terror.

    Sorry I play way too much :P



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    Please keep your posts on topic. The OP was asking for tips for Sutek's Tomb. If you have nothing to add to the topic, please don't post.

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  6. TNT is taking up the idea of keeping the kids safe way too high.


    I agree, they need to protect the children who go on this site, they should instead hire a team of people to patrol the boards instead of having a tiny little robot silence you for every

    silly word that HE thinks is inappropriate.


    Too bad TNT is deaf in the sense of suggestions.

  7. Yeah they're trying to protect younger kids, but in reality everybody here knows that in 1, 2, 3 or 4 years.. those kids will say words we won't like.


    I agree, TNT is a group of ignorant careless people who silence you for the slightest thing. And the only reason why they won't fix themselves is because they are bound to ignore any of the

    mails they are sent by other people. Seriously, I'd really wish Neopets had been founded by other, happy and cheerful people.

    I can't stand the idea of innocent people getting iced, and there are times where they don't even know WHY you got frozen.




    Is this really how you should treat your own customers? no wonder Neopet's online players seem to go down every once in a while.

    You know, it doesn't even matter anymore, cause either way you won't get your account back. TNT is known for not responding to your tickets, e-mails and all that sort of stuff. I believe they even think that way of solving stuff is to ignore any of it and move on.


    Because TNT doesn't know what it is to get your account frozen, like having all your days of the week spent gaming on Neopets. Wooo! you just got yourself a Plushie Paint Brush and a Mutant Lupe Transmogrification potion, and you also got like over 10 million pure in that bank of yours! boom, you get frozen. You have NO idea why they did that, you complain you rant, you send them e-mails, at the end of the story, you end up destroyed completely.


    Because TNT has no heart, they are careless people, as I've already said.

    Well, that's all I need to say.

  8. So getting both avatars is impossible


    Hold your horses! it isn't impossible. I ran a script on this instant +80 click avatar website, and I did remember getting ONLY the Royal Girl. Cause I already had all the click avies.

    So.. yeah, I have both of them now. :P

  9. Hello people! name's John, or you can call me Jel too. I've been on Neopets for a fair amount of time. I'm new to tdn.

    Hoping to make some friends here, and be somewhat helpful on here as well! so..

    that's about it from me.




    Oh and, I love The Script.

  10. If they were doing maintenance then there would be a red pteri. Since there is not, they are pretty well open to attacks that bring down their servers.

    Oh, I forgot about the DFM Pteri. Perhaps it is an attack, or just a dysfunction? we might never know o;

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