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Alexandra Puppyblew

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Posts posted by Alexandra Puppyblew

  1. There is a little icon of a thought balloon next to each topic. I've noticed most of them are orange, but I've seen some that are different. There's one that's grey with a little X in the middle. I think that one means it's locked. There are some that are orange but look faded, and I think I've seen red ones? Is there a key or something where it says what all these mean?

  2. Once I played a game where I thought the other person was hacking into it. They landed on their element space that gave them a super key grabber. Next turn moved 3 spaces. Next turn changed direction and moved 3 spaces back to their element space giving them another super key grabber. Next turn moved 3 spaces. Next turn changed direction again and moved 3 spaces back to their element space giving them another super key grabber. This happened one more time before I quit the game (and I only quit for extreme circumstances). It really was too suspicious. It seemed too unbelievable that that could happen even if they were REs, but I didn't report.

  3. I know some items are glitched, and they disappear in your home. But if this is happening with all the items you're putting in there then there is something wrong with your home. If that's the case I would send in a ticket.

  4. Thanks for the help guys. I actually found an add-on called FlashResizer, which obviously is to resize flash objects but will also lower the quality if you want it to. I'll have to see between that and the Greasemonkey one to see which is better for my computer. Thanks again. :)



    Edit: Just in case anyone else is interested in this, I have decided to go with FlashResizer because the Greasemonkey script will reduce quality for all flash thingies. With FlashResizer, I can set it so it only reduces quality on the Habi page.

  5. I've always used the low res links for KQ, but now I've started playing Habitarium and there's no way to make it low res (to my knowledge). I read that there is an extension for FF that can make it low res, but it didn't say which one it was. Does anyone know what it's called? Thanks. :)

  6. The only glitched RE's I've gotten are the ones where someone gives you a lottery ticket. It used to be that they gave you one and you would go to the lottery page and they would have picked the numbers for you. Now it I go to the lottery page and there's no ticket, so I think maybe I have to pick the numbers but it deducts the nps from me. So in fact I bought a ticket. This has happened to me twice.

  7. This happened to one of my pets. I transferred it from an old account to a new account, and I couldn't put it in my neohome in my new account. Someone told me that it was because you have to take your pets out of the neohome BEFORE they go to the pound because if you you don't they'll disappear from the neohome. That's probably what happened to yours. I was told the only way to fix it was to send in a ticket because only TNT can fix it. I never did this because it really wasn't that important to me. All I can say is send in a ticket.

  8. I love both NQ I and II. I have silver for both. I made it to the end of NQ II a third time for the gold but was defeated by King Terask (was that his name?). This was back in Oct, Nov so I haven't played in awhile. I would play more often if I had a faster computer. It takes for-ever to load a page. When I do have a faster computer, I'm going to try to get the racing trophy if it's still available.

  9. It can't be that hard unless I'm super lucky. It must have taken me about a month to get that trophy. I used to play to the max limit everyday. And since I got it there have been 4 or 5 other times that I've won twice in a row. Sorry, not trying to brag. Just trying to say that sometimes I think something is hard and then I try it, and I end up doing it, and it wasn't so hard after all. :)

  10. It resets every three months but it will only go back down to 0 for you if you DON'T play in those three months. If you play at least one game in those 3 months your score will stay. What I don't know is which months it resets. Is it Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct? I don't know....

  11. I think it's win once for the bronze, twice for the silver and twice in a row for the gold. I love solitaire. I also play it and NQ for random events, hehe. I don't remember how long it took me to get the gold but I remember it was something like 2 months for Pyramids. That one was a lot harder to get.

  12. Oh no! Someone already mentioned NOT to mention spoilers, and I should have seconded that because I just read something I didn't want to know. I'll have to stop coming to this thread. But I am glad that Jeff and Jordan were not backdoored this week.

  13. I think the neoboards are useful for when you want to know something. It's easier when you're already on neopets.com to just go to their boards than to go to another url completely. I don't like socializing with people on those boards though because of things already mentioned.

  14. Cassi never really whined. But her and Keith are still in sequester. Fingers crossed for a vote back!



    Oh, what?!? I didn't know they were sequestered. I hope Cassi comes back in the house. I really liked her. I'm rooting for her, Jeff and Jordan. Can't stand Rachel. I want her and the Donato girl out of the house. Brendon's OK (so I'm wondering why he wants to marry Rachel. Love is weird).

  15. yeah, it seems you have really low stats. I would concentrate for awhile on training health and strength. Your weapons are ok for now but the more strength you have the better your current weapons will work. I don't quite remember what the patched hat is for; is it for defence? In that case also train defence.

  16. The only wheel I spin now is the Wheel of Knowledge because I still need the avvie for that one. I used to spin WoExcitement before they increased the price because I would always make some money off of it. But I don't think it's worth it anymore. I only spun the WoExtravagance once and got nothing so I'm afraid to spin it again.

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