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Posts posted by lslines

  1. Coco Pops for breakfast today. Went to the best burger place ever for dinner last night, and had a chicken, satay, and coriander burger. So good.


    I might make chocolate chip cookies today...

  2. Can we just talk about breakfast? I guess you can talk about non-breakfast foods too, because food is awesome.


    What are you eating right now? What's for dinner? If you could eat anything in the world right at this moment, what would it be? Can you cook?


    I've been up all night, yet hadn't eaten since about 10:30pm. It's now 12:30pm and my boyfriend has made me breakfast because he's lovely like that. I have two over-easy eggs on sandwiches with mayonnaise. Biting into something like that after not eating for so long feels wonderful.


    What did you eat for breakfast?

  3. The computer I usually use has caught a trojan, so I'm using an old second hand one I had lying around the place, and oh wow does it hate the neopets games. It doesn't recognize half my keystrokes! And so much laaaag. I'm still gonna check in and leave you my terrible terrible scores though!


    Pterattack: 245.

  4. Gosh this is a bit hard to reply to, huh?


    They are already attempting to do that. It isn't that easy with such a large user-controlled system

    Then it is worth doing and not a stupid idea? I am glad to know that they're trying, but that doesn't


    Estimated values aren't meant to be the "prices"... it's the price they stock for in shops. Just like how rarities don't mean much after you get into the hundreds, it's merely an organization system

    It's still something they should fix, and which I would if I ran it. Having an item with an est value of 13,780 when you can get it for 5 is a problem.


    They have tried doing that... sometimes it worked, sometimes it crashed people's computers :P

    Doesn't make it any less worth while to keep trying til they get it. Which I understand is hard and not the priority it should be, but regardless.


    Every site will be hard to navigate at first

    But this isn't at first. Given how long this site has been running for, being hard to navigate is one of those thing which, personally, is pretty unforgivable.


    Unconversion=No customization

    It may just be that it is 9:30am and I have not slept, but I am not understanding what you mean by this. Could you give me a hand?


    I meant wearables specifically... look at the customization spotlight winners for an example...

    I still stand by my point. Even if they made them far less frequently and charged much more, they should still be making them for NP.


    Because of this, they need to strongly encourage people to support them through neocash if they intend on keeping it running

    They don't seem to be doing a very good job of this though. I still think merchandise is a better way to go. People are always more willing to pay real world money for things they can hold. They also might get some good results if they had something that said specifically that "we need this to keep running, so this is a donation that we're thanking you for with items". That seems to go well everywhere else.


    They've essentially taken Neopets off their priorities list

    Doesn't really matter until they sell it, really.


    Didn't mean to offend

    I'd hope not, but that was some pretty unpleasant wording, especially given the thread subject. But no harm. I think I snapped a bit, sorry if I did.

  5. I've only ever seen maybe ten episodes, but I do love this show! I should invest in getting the seasons. And then I could reasonably call myself a fan rather than "someone who likes it a bunch but hasn't seen much."


    I've always loved Joey. He's just... Ridiculous, although Phoebe's never grown on me for the same reason. Chandler probably runs a close second, thanks to The One Without The Ski Trip. That's the only episode I've seen that really stuck.


    Good luck getting through the rest of it quickly! Marathoning TV shows is always such a blast.

  6. Oh dear, I'm kind of taking over this thread. Neopets gives me a lot of feelings, okay?! :whistle:



    I actually missed your NC conversion part, I disagree with that and neopets being a kids site >.> Its kid friendly but the content it comes out with some time is definitely not.


    Well, it is still officially a kids site. Hence the super strict forum/neomail codes, and having links to other Nickelodeon sites at the top. I'm not sure why though, because you're right that sometimes its content really isn't kid friendly, and it was originally a game for college students, and so much of it's user base is adult, and they could do such glorious things with it if it weren't... If I owned it I'd feel bad cutting out the younger users. It just wouldn't seem fair. Hmm, maybe split a little more of the site by sixteen and over/under than just the forums...


    Thinking on it a bit more, I think if you could convert NP into NC (and definitely not the other way around, ever) then maybe it would work better as some sort of middling currency. Like, you could buy some basic items, like foods for the habitarium and maybe a couple of backgrounds/cute clothes, but wouldn't be able to buy a lot of the stock. Like the monthly collectables, and the theme packs, and the useful items. I wonder how you'd implement that...



    But you own that neopets, mines different.


    Yes! :laughingsmiley:

  7. Sad and unpleasant things ahead!

    This year:


    - I was let go from a job I loved, and they didn't tell me for three months. They just kept saying "no, not at the moment and I really couldn't tell you when, sorry" whenever I called to ask if they knew when they'd next have shifts available for me. In fact, the woman who runs the place flat-out lied to me about it.


    - I started university again after taking a semester off, thinking I could hack it... Only to freak out and drop from having a full load of four classes down to one.


    - My younger sister was hospitalized for a month and then died. Wrecked my whole family and we haven't recovered. One of my uncles was so distraught that we went on a bender of some kind, lost his phone, and forgot about the funeral.


    - My boyfriend's grandmother discovering a brain tumor. She's okay though, at least.


    - My grandmother slowly beginning to lose her mind.


    - I've come to the realization I seem to have an anxiety disorder... Which makes me too anxious to talk to a doctor about it for diagnosis/treatment.


    - At the end of last year, my family separated and two of my sisters and my dad moved halfway across the country. My dad then didn't even bother to tell me when he started dating someone else this year.


    Of course there have been good things too, like my mum buying a house, and getting a kitten, and passing my single university course with the highest grade. But they don't exactly outweigh the bad things. Especially not my sister.


    So 2011 has been the most awful year for me. Has it been terrible for anyone else? Whether on this scale or much much smaller.

  8. You rarely ever notice the accents living here, though! There's the same kind of area variation as you get in different states though, which I'm not sure foreigners notice but which we can, so I guess that's kinda cool :) Nice to meet you!


    Haha, there seem to be lots of people whose parents barred them from neopets. It's not hard to see why, it's such a timesink. It's good that you got access back, and I'm glad you guessed your pin! I'm fairly sure they didn't even have pins back when I made my account. And oh jeez you can tell I was young and new at the internet looking at the profile for it. My boyfriend laughed himself almost sick when he saw it.


    I really like your signature, it's so cute. And it matches your avatar, that's awesome :3


    I'm sooooo close to the end of the Altador plot, but it seems like the site's had a glitch and my spellbook doesn't exist. I'm so mad, I sunk so many hours into that plot. Especially the bit with the sick petpet.

  9. Nearly all of the above things, in my opinion, are stupid...


    -Fix Customer Support

    -Update Battledome and Restocking System

    -Implement another large (but non 3D/computer killing) section such as the Battledome

    -Teach monitors how to dispose of the obvious cheaters (such as all the impossible scores just sitting in the HSTs every day...)


    Otherwise, everything they do Neocash wise and Conversion wise is completely fine... they aren't going to make fantastic np items while people are buying NC items... and they aren't going to give you the option to not customize when it took so long to make it so you can customize. How your pet looks slightly different doesn't matter... find something else to complain about. The need an insane amount of server space, etc. for the millions of people that play the game... the fact that the site is still free is reason enough to be willing to support them through the NC mall or something by itself.


    Have you ever played another online game as developed as neopets? No. Because there are none.



    So you don't think it's worth fixing their broken economy? Not even adjusting the estimated values for things when they're out by thousands on thousands of neopoints? Upgrading their technologies at all? Making the site, which is aimed at children, easier to navigate? Selling more real world items? Making NC easier to get? I didn't see anyone suggest you be given an option to switch off customization either.


    They dang well should be making fantastic NP items! Unless they're aiming to alienate almost their entire user base, many of whom are fourteen and under and who cannot buy NC and are unlikely to have parents purchase it for them. This isn't a paid site and it never, ever will be. Especially not with Viacom/Nickelodeon running the show. I'm content to support them with my real world money. I spent $5 today, even. But they'll be shooting themselves in the feet if they stop making good NP items. They should be making NP items of the same quality as they always have and at the same rate, with NC items on top of that. Which seems to be what they've been doing, really, so moot point.


    Telling people not to complain about petty things in a thread about complaints is also incredibly mean spirited. If I owned it, those are the things I would do. And I did find something else to complain about. I found twelve other things to complain about. The "it's the best there is so shut up" method you've employed in that last line there is also very mean spirited and uncalled for. Next you'll be saying "if you don't think it's good enough then go make your own site"-- which is kind of the whole idea of this thread. What would you do with the site if it was yours. Don't drag everyone down like that, man. Not cool.


    With that out of the way, the restocking system and the Battledome definitely need updating, yeah. Don't know how I missed those. The restocking system especially has always been absolutely dreadful.



    My friend just had a brilliant idea! XD Every birthday of the site there would be a cake baking-decorating contest and the winner would be able to paint one pet Birthday Cake XD Birthday Cake painting! Birthday Fairy! More fairies. Glubglubglub. I'd totally make the Tooth Fairy have quests and the Grey Fairy. I love them X3


    Yes to all of those! A cake baking/decorating contest would be way cool! Maybe not a birthday fairy though, that might be pushing it... :P

  10. Well, I've gone over the last few steps of the plot, cleared my cache, and tried again. Still no good. What now? I'm wondering if I should send in a support ticket, or just try manually searching a bunch of rooms.

  11. Nice to meet you!


    Well, you can still view the profile for the old account, and each of the neopets, so it certainly doesn't seem purged. If it is they've done a shoddy, purposeless job, to be honest. Somebody's taken the email address I used to use so it definitely still exists, but hitting the I've forgotten my password button results in a message saying that there is no email address associated with the account at all. I spent a good while trying to guess the password, but no luck. Ah well, what's gone is gone.

  12. I spin mediocrity, excitement, knowledge, and monotony on a daily basis, and misfortune when I'm feeling brave.


    I'm pretty much constantly online when I'm not at work or school, so running monotony is never a problem for me. I've won dud prizes off it a few times, but I also frequently win food and neopoints. Got the avatar too!


    Mediocrity is almost always worth it for me, of the maybe twenty-five times I've spun it the last few days I've only gotten dud prizes three times. I've yet to get a bad prize from knowledge. I usually get books, which are great for me. And I spun excitement maybe eight times yesterday, and got 2.5k a time.


    Getting a little concerned though. With such a good streak of lucky, something's got to give in a quite unpleasant way.

  13. My name's Alice. I'm nineteen and from Australia.


    I used to play neopets back when I was eleven or twelve, but I spent so much time on it that my dad blocked access to the site through our router. I briefly figured out a way past it when I was fourteen, but given it meant dropping the www off the beginning of every address, I got bored pretty quick and abandoned it again. No longer living with my dad, I remembered this site existed a few days ago and excitedly rejoined, since the staff have wiped the email address off my old account, so I couldn't even request the password. Ah well, let it languish I suppose.


    I only really joined up to ask for help with where I got stuck in the Altador plot, but everyone here seem nice enough that I think I'll stay for social purposes.


    How is everyone today? I'm cold; it's winter and after midnight here.

  14. These are all based on just the last few days of playing, but, rather a large list.


    First and foremost, do something about the in-game economy. I used to play neopets back when I was a kid, and the economy ran reasonably. The estimated value for an item was usually about how much you could get it for. I joined up again a few days ago, after finally giving up on getting back into my poor abandoned old account, and was annoyed as heck to find that almost NOTHING goes for the estimated value. Everything's either over-inflated by the users, or more commonly, worth absolutely nothing because the neopets staff have flooded the marketplace with items that were once worth a decent amount, reducing their value to nothing due to the commonality, lower demand, and hyping the competition amongst users to resell them at a lower price. There's a word for that, but I can't remember what it is. So I'd fix that. No idea how, but I'd work it out.


    Next, rearrange the site. The top bar is messed up, and it took me ages to figure out how to get to some of the basic things, like the Battledome. And why is customization on the bar instead of in the drop list? Surely it would be more useful to have the Inventory button there, and move customize down the drop list. One of these things needs accessing more often than the others. And I'd scrap the closet. Having to move something in there by hand is increasingly frustrating when it would be no more coding to just have it list the items in your inventory. Heck, it probably took them more code to implement that, not to mention a whole new database.


    I'd clean up the site. Wipe all the accounts that haven't been accessed in more than maybe three years. They don't do this properly at the moment, though they say that they do in their FAQ. My old account is still sitting there, and I haven't accessed it in at least four, maybe five years. They've said there's no email registered for it, which means they've wiped it from the records and rendered it unrecoverable, but it's still up, which means there are five names that can't be used by anyone else.


    I don't know if they currently plan to do this themselves, and if they don't they should, but I'd scrap all the old non-wearable clothing items. Either make them unavailable to get any more, which would eventually attract collectors, eventually increase the value of them and releasing a new non-wearable item briefly every few months to keep collectors happy. Or implement them so you can wear them. The second option would be more work, but would probably make more people happy in the end.


    I'd upgrade the site in general. It's still using technologies that are a decade old. It still uses Shockwave which has been outdated for a long, long time. And the games too! So many of them have been around since I first started playing some seven and a half years ago, a few having had a bit of a clean-up but otherwise being the same game. Why? It's just... This site is old and has hardly moved forward at all in its years.


    Avatars that someone has collected would be viewable from their look-up. That you can't do that has always annoyed me.


    Remove ads from the beginnings of the games, and confine them to certain parts of the site. Run more age and content appropriate ads. It's still primarily a kids site, what are ads for cars and flights and fish oil doing on it? Nickelodeon probably paid the bare minimum for ads, meaning that Google runs it and just generates A ad for something, with the most control they'd be getting whether or not to allow adult content. Might get some ProjectWonderful ads on it, for kid-friendly webcomics.


    Separate the forums into a section for people under sixteen, over sixteen, and maybe give some sort of subtle direction to an officially non-affiliated site for adult content for users who are over the legal age of consent in their country, since this is the internet. Scale back the restrictions like woah, because this is getting ridiculous. When you can't say suck or the harser version of "what the heck", that's just... Wow. I know kids are starting to use the internet at younger and younger ages, and this is some kind of supposedly well meaning protection or some other bullshit, but wow. Over the top. The under sixteens would probably still be restricted from swearing, except for maybe crap, but it'd only get them a warning or a quick silence unless they were repeat offenders or using it for harassment. Acronyms with swears in them would be fine. As would another word for butt. Seriously, who bans that?


    There are some things around the site that seem like they were originally great concepts for things that were abandoned. Like the lair of the beast in Tyrannia. I'd pick those back up and do something with them.


    I might change the art for the pets themselves. It all seems so simplified and homogenous, all the poses and things. Not to mention the addition of eyelashes to the females. I really don't like that, it just doesn't seem necessary.


    I'd tinker with the FAQ. Currently, any FAQ questions found through the search function just take you to the main page of the FAQ rather than to the specific question you clicked on. That's some very poor design. The search function within it is quite poor as well.


    As for merchandise, I'd want more of it. I'd eventually want every in-game plushie available as real world items, with corresponding rarities. T-shirts would be good, as would a real world card game that matches in in-game one. It should be more accessible. Try and get it into more stores in the US, and just generally into everywhere else where it's harder to find. Where I live there's only one store that sells any, and it barely has any range or stock. I'd lower prices a little, and start an online store.


    I'd introduce sponsored promotions where I can that would reward with small amounts of neocash rather than larger amounts of points. I'd make neocash and items purchased with it giftable, but not trade-able, and have an option to exchange neopoints for neocash. An exchange rate of about 10k neopoints per one neocash. Depending how well that went, it might be lowered to 5k. It's not hard to make 10k in a few hours, playing games or having luck on the wheels and random events. Might lower the prices on the items too. Small basic items shouldn't be more that a dollar, shouldn't really be more than fifty cents.


    That's all I can think of at the moment...


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  15. I'm up to the spellbook part of the Altador plot, and have been stuck here for three days now. My book doesn't seem to exist.


    My Sleeper constellation coordinates are:









    Which yields a room coordinate of 9, 15. This gives me a url that looks like http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.phtml?goarch=62ccd85bcb9227954d4dda3aaf0bfd32&arcx=9&arcy=15&cmhv=33de832478b9c32ed7fcb4b109548fce'>http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.phtml?goarch=62ccd85bcb9227954d4dda3aaf0bfd32&arcx=9&arcy=15&cmhv=33de832478b9c32ed7fcb4b109548fce before I click on a book, and http://www.neopets.com/altador/archives.phtml?goarch=62ccd85bcb9227954d4dda3aaf0bfd32&arcx=9&arcy=15 after I click on a book and then hit "Return to the Archives".


    I can't I've clicked every book in the room, twice per visit, and I've visited four times. Three of those I navigated there by inserting the numbers into the link. Once I navigated there manually. Once I tried hitting back in my browser after each book instead of the return to archives button. It didn't help. And a friend who had already finished it herself logged into my account for me, to see if it was maybe just something weird with my computer, and did the whole thing twice herself, getting the coordinates again and all, to no avail.


    I'm positive I haven't missed a book. I check each shelf twice, as well as comparing to the illustration on the TDN solutions page. Is it returning the wrong room maybe? Or some strange glitch? I even tried switching the X and Y once to check I hadn't mixed them up somehow, but that didn't help.


    Any ideas what's happening here?

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