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Posts posted by Jeanie

  1. You don't have to tell him you love him, just say that you really like him and wish things were different and maybe one day they will be. Next time your in England, you can go see him, and next time he's in the Netherlands he can come see you.


    If your 100% sure you can't have a relationship with him because of the long distance tell him that, but make sure he knows that you would want to try it out if you were closer together. But stay friends for now, most long-term boyfriend/girlfriend and marriages start with friendship.

  2. So, someone told me that around Halloween the Spooky map gives out double prizes, I was just wondering if anyone can confirm that. Like did it happen last year, or any year that you remember? I want to know because I think it would be worth it to buy a few and then sell them because the price may go up........

  3. Me, I use the training school it is way more controlled, and it keeps my pets on a path to victory, the lab ray is just too random, movement is not necessary and if you use it too much you can cost yourself tons of neopoints trying to get the pet back on battledome track! TRAINING SCHOOL ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. After the pest are gone in the area near the soldiers, are the soldiers confused and wondering why the can't get to the other pests? If so, this is a sign that your layout is what is hurting the soldiers from getting to the pests.


    Mine do tend to gather in that one corner though, but they do get rid of all the pests as well.

  5. Am I allowed to have a banner made by someone else in my gallery when I submit it to the gallery spotlight? And exactly what does this rule mean?


    6. Your picture cannot have any copyright or trademark symbols. It is fine to include your username, but do not include any trademark or copyright symbols. Also, when you send us your spotlight, it is subject to our submission policy.

  6. I'm trying to figure out achievements in the game, and I was wondering if TDN has one, or is planning to make one, or anything. It would be helpful as you can get Neopets items from that facebook game. I know Sunny Neo has one but it is old, like when the game was only available to premium users or something.

  7. I do believe in ghosts, even if I have never had a personal experience with them. I believe because I hope that in the afterlife as a soul I will be able to visit my loved ones. As for Nessie, vampires, werewolves, I say anything is possible. But I usually don't believe unless there is proof. However there are mental health issues that some humans have where they THINK they are vampires and etc. I may believe in Bigfoot, after watching way too much Animal Planet. :) lol

  8. I don't believe in violence. It only leads to more violence and makes everything worse.


    That being said, I would never stand by and watch my little sister or a little kid get bullied, I would step in immediately. That's not exactly violence, but I'm not the kinda person to stand on the sidelines and just watch everything happening. I do consider myself a pacifist because I will never own a gun, and I will never willing fight someone unless I felt it was necessary.

  9. Oops, sorry for posting in the wrong area.


    Any way, although the universe is hugely huge, and life is probably out there I don't think that they will be human, maybe plants, or other things, what I think is that it will still be several hundred years until us humans are ready to travel through space farther than the Milkyway.

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