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Giovanni Gale

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Posts posted by Giovanni Gale

  1. Yeah, there are actually two different rays...


    One of them costs more expensive, but has a chance of mutating your pet into a special species...There are about 30 different species it can turn them into...


    They both can change stats, colour, species, and all of that also...:D

  2. No, that is the Asmodus Lab...


    The fragmentor is new to the site, and you pretty much stick an item in it and hope you get a crystal...the crystals can be spent to buy very rare items...

  3. Usually most items will sell fast as long as they are cheap...the wizard quest can ask for any item, so most items are in demand...

    They also released a new thing called the item fragmentor, which people are using hundreds of items on to earn points to spend...:D


    My avatar looks like some sort of evil demon thingy...xD

  4. You just have to open a shop using the link on the sidebar which says "Your Shops"


    Yes, it says shops, as in plural....:D


    You also create galleries using this link...


    Just put them in and price them using the shop search...

  5. Some of them aren't good, and some are really good...


    The dark goddesses quest sorta sucks since she only asks for items with "dark" in the name, and most dark items cost a ton of points....


    The wizard quest can be really good if you finish it quickly...You will usually get a 20 point token which is worth about 20K points easy...Don't spend more than 10-15K per quest though...

  6. On that type of game it is always good to become the healer class...If someone wastes you, everyone else will kill them...

    It seems like an automatic rule to never be mean to the healers...:P



    Yeah, if you reset your score goes back to zero...The first few levels can be annoying, but once you get to about 4 and 5 then it is good until the hard levels, 50+

    Most of the games aren't that good for money...Mainly doing quests and restocking is the best way to get money until they get more games working...

  7. lol...well, I have more than enough to give away...xD


    Well, a good way to make some money is to do the Item Hunt quests...Every level you make 2000 more points than the last, and most of the items for them are pretty cheap...At later levels, you can end up getting over 50,000 per quest for pretty cheap...


    Restocking stuff for your shop is also good, but that takes some practice first...You have time to price check most things on this game though, so it can b really easy...I find the Graveyard and Icy shops to be good ones, you can get to them from the "Explore" link...

  8. That is what I created it for 1309 pages ago...

    They took away my random name though...:(

    Jellybird was way better...


    If you need some start-off money on Subeta, I will give you some...

  9. Well for now I think it is safe...the owner owns several large sites, and I think he sticks all of his junk adds on the others...xD


    If I remember correctly, he has stated that he is against any corporate sponsorship for the site...

  10. If you guys want a bit of money to start off, then I will be glad to give you some...I have plenty...xD


    Another nice thing about it is that most color change potions cost less than 200k if even that...There are 4 or 5 which cost a lot, but they are exclusive items and stuff...

    And all LE species don't cost several million like Draiks or Krawks...X.x

  11. lol....yeah, and guess what...they ACTUALLY DELETE INACTIVE MEMBERS!!!!

    They did an activity check recently and deleted the old ones, so a lot of names are freed up and such...

    I wish they would have done that on Neo...they would have lost a couple million users, but it would have been nice...


    Check out the description of the first toy on the news page...it is cracking me up since it is soo true...xD

  12. I've never heard of the site, but I just now looked at it and think my eyes are bleeding...xD


    RPG stands for Role Playing Game...It is pretty much any game where you play as someone besides yourself...

    It encompasses several genre of games, but most commonly fantasy/action/adventure games...



    I play Maple Story, Secret of the Solstice, and all of the games made by Artix Entertainment (Dragon Fable, Adventure Quest, and I'm helping in Alpha testing for their new MMORPG)...


    omg...I play subeta some...xD

    I love the artwork, some of it is really amazing...

    The shop system is really nice too, you can actually buy stuff before it sells out without having your fingers bleed from typing too fast...:O

  13. I completely agree...whenever any of the good sites gets bought out it begins to rot in...you know where...

    You loose all user/staff interaction...then all of the problems with the site get skipped as there is a rush to release more money making crud...>.>


    Luckily I have found better games and stuff...Mainly new online rpgs which are still in beta...

    Since they are in beta, there is tons of user/staff interaction so you can actively talk with and make suggestions to the staff...:)

  14. Didn't know I was so famous...xD

    I guess I would be since I started the largest and longest lasting thread on the site...

    I remember when I started it...we were hogging the chatbox, and I decided that we should take our random chat to a forum but there wasn't exactly one necessary with how random it was; between me and this other persons discussion of theoretical physics and the other junk we were talking about...xD


    I guess I am a member of the club...I'm still checking the advent calendar each year though, I like the surprises its magical doors hold; it was also the first thing I ever remember doing on Neo...:D

    It was when we still had the plain yellow sidebar...Good times, good times...

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