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Status Updates posted by Nika

  1. I'm in America!!

  2. 78 days 'til the end of the semester.... not that I'm counting.

  3. I'm American and Nika is just a nickname for me, but I use it with everyone. I actually took it when I started speaking Russian and it caught on even though it's uncommon here. Are you really in Slovenia?

  4. Hi! how cool we have the same name :)

  5. GONE FISHING (like, actually).

  6. Nika

    Thanks! What a friendly welcome :)

  7. vacation: i eat when i want and even sleep when i want... feelin like a sultan

    1. khaos


      :O That is VERY true. :D

  8. California FRIDAY!!

  9. watchin the sopranos n pretendin im italian

  10. ....why is Nick Offerman not winning every Emmy? What a joke

  11. I'm wondering, how much is ALP collateral is reduced per 100 posts?

    I just saw your no PM status so I thought I'd write you here instead. I hope this is the right place (apologies if it's not).

  12. With this sleep schedule I'm finally a mapache. + 14 days to go

  13. Se acerca el final de Pequenos Gigantes... arriba Los Rebeldes :)


  15. Sleep at 4, wake up at noon: I love summer

  16. One day I'll have the collateral for the Meowclops avvie.... right?

  17. I love TDN, so glad I found the forums!

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