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Posts posted by ffgurl

  1. Something has happened!

    You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


    It's a Main, which makes 5 Main Codestones in my SDB.


    And Ffgurl, I've never really paid a lot of attention to full sets, it's much better to get the Petpet Lab Map pieces individually. I remember full sets being about 10k, but when I bought each piece separately, it cost me less than 5k.


    Congratz on another nice Random Event =D

    You're on a roll..Haha


    Oh thx.. =)

    I once bought a full set for 6.5k but I'm not sure if prices have changed.

    I'd rather buy a full set at once as it saves the trouble of finding the individual pieces =X

    Gotta hunt for another set now..Hahaha...

  2. It...kind of fits! But it's 1:45AM here so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt! XD You're right, no more worries about that! Now I just need to find something to spend all that money on.


    *hinthint* If you have problem finding somewhere to spend the money...My bank account is always open! =D

    Wahaha.... *shot*


    Any dream pet you could work towards perhaps?

  3. Hello board members!


    It's a pleasure to say hello here.


    I'm Jon. I used to play Neopets when I was in middle school years ago. On a boring night on my college campus, I decided to check up and see if Neopets still existed and lo and behold, it does. I decided to sign back up and make a new pet. All I could remember was the Aisha-cat, so I made one.


    It was the Zombie paint brush that really made me create a new account :P

    I'm really interested in the avatar trading program. I used to collect them eons ago - I remember I had the Lab Ray and I'd play with that every day.


    Anywho, I hope you all are having a good time!




    Thank you! :D


    I've been trying to recall what my original account, way back when, was like.

    I had:


    an Ice Bori - the armadillo thing from the yahoo giveaway

    the cat, Asha - it was mutant with a mutant anglekitty pet - I was trying to get him to become the one with the spacesuit or the plushy one

    I had the Penguin - Spruce? It was the Purple with spikes and looked jerklike

    And I the dragonfly guy, but he was a little larvae.


    I'm surprised I could remember all that. I remember the plots with the Ice Caves too. Not bad for a 6 year disappearance right?



    Hi Jon!

    Seems like there's many people coming back to neopets recently! Is it the AC spirit? xD

    Welcome to TDNforums and welcome back to Neopets! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun and enjoy your your stay here =)


    I like the zombie colour too! =D

    I'm quite interested in collecting avatars too...Let's work towards it =D


    Hmm...The penguin, do you mean Bruce? Your description sounds like a Mutant Bruce, but I'm not too familiar with colours, so I could be wrong =X

    Dragonfly...A buzz? Ooohh...A Baby Buzz is really adorable!

    You had so many wonderful pets before..but you're not using back your old account?




    Hello Jon! Welcome to the forums. I hope you'll have a great time back at Neopets and I'm sure Neopets is glad to see your return! Keep saving and you'll have that zombie paint brush in no time. I'm a big fan of those too. xD I have a zombie um, I think it's a buzz on a side account thanks to the lab ray. Sad that I don't know for sure. Anyway, off to bed as it's 2AM here. Goodnight, and welcome back!




    Good night inkt! ^-^

  4. Thank you! Haha, I know what you mean! It's taken me, well, since the avatar came out to save up for it.


    Wahaha!! The End justifies the Means! erm..wait a moment, does that even fit into this situation!? xD

    Well, you get my point! xD

    Doesn't matter how long you took, but you got it now! =D

    No more worries of overspending...Haha..

  5. Ohhh..This sounds interesting..

    I don't mind being a beta tester.. =D


    I have a Samsung GalaxyTab..

    Firmware Ver 2.2

    Hmm, actually it would be nice if we could access the Habitarium from the app, since it would be more convenient though I haven't actually tried accessing the Habitarium from my GalaxyTab...


    (erm..It's fine if I don't have a Twitter account right? =X)

  6. Hi Motz!


    I'm relatively new to the TDN forums too..

    Similarly...I was also more of a lurker that lurked around the TDN site before.

    Then I realised they had a forum (after so long =x), and decided to join..Haha


    Hope you enjoy your stay and pass your trial =D

  7. Something has happened!

    You find a piece of the Secret Petpet Laboratory Map!



    Congratz! DO you have any idea what the price is for a full set? =X



    I FINALLY got one faerie quest after so long today! >.<

    Just need to wait a bit for some help on getting it xD

  8. I think that is a very common RE. That, unfortunately, makes the items deflate to near nothing. I agree that you should open it if you're still aiming for the packrat avvie, but otherwise just sell it. You'll be getting a little profit out of it at least. :)


    Yupyup..I'll be opening the pack to get just a little more items to add the the Safety Deposit Box count =D

    Thx for the suggestion too..


    Haha..I'm not very lucky with Random Events, so any time I do get GOOD events, I'm like YAY! =D

    I'm so easier to please xD


    Talking about Random Events, I still have no luck with the Sloth avvie still =(

  9. It's completely random! I saw it go up to 10m once, then fall to 5m the next day..

    Never seen it fall all the way to 1m though, would be great if it did! =D


    But is the amount changed everyday or anytime during the day?

  10. The Neopets 7th Birthday Goodie Bag (unopened) is worth merely 1,000 Neopoints or somewhere in that range.

    If I were you, I'd stuff all the goodies obtained from the Goodie Bag in the Safety Deposit Box if you're aiming for the avatar for it. Every little bit helps however.


    That's true..Thx for the advice! ^-^

    Collecting stuff while also saving and not playing games to earn np is such a bad way to go about doing things >.< *kicks herself*

  11. They're full of rubbish, and only worth about 50 NP to sell. I got one a few months ago and was like YAYAYAYAY- oh :(

    They're not one of the rarer ones unfortunately


    Oh... =(

    Well..at least it's free! =D

    So i think I'll just sell it then..been a while since I last sold something more than 1np =X

  12. Hi guys!


    Hope the day has been treating everyone well! ^-^


    I wasn't doing very well with the dailies, but just now a Random Event gave me a Neopets 7th Birthday Goodie Bag.. =D

    Should I open it up or just sell it?

    Not sure what I should do with it would be a better option...


    Any advice? =D

  13. My favourite would have to be the Final Fantasy series! =D

    Only played VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII..but among those, my favoured is Final Fantasy IX x3 *kupo*


    Personally I think FFVII is a bit over-rated and that has somewhat prevented me from trying to play the original game, but I kinda liked the Advent Children movie they came out with though (Yay Sephiroth! =D)


    Other than that, I also started playing Maplestory when I was quite young, when it still MapleGlobal beta, now I've toned down on it after various incidents and "unfortunate" circumstances..I heard the new Big Bang patch was released (or is going to anyway), so I may likely play it back again..


    When I was even younger, I loved Heroes of Might and Magic III and IV..I especially loved using Gelu if he was the Captain or Commander in HoMM III..Cheers for Sharpshooters! =D

    For awhile I was also addicted to Sim2 =) Kept downloading customised items and characters and using it in the game..Ahh..Kinda miss it a bit, but tends to get boring after a while =X

    I liked decorating the houses in Sims2 too, sometimes even playing out scenes I make up with FF or anime and manga chars =X

  14. Is this topic only on Neopets games or games in general?


    On neopets, I used to really love Carnival of Terror and Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars..

    But I haven't played them for a long time and the new Carnival of Terrors seems more difficult to score =X

  15. Read quite a bit when I was younger but reading (for books) slowed as I grow older =X


    Some of my favorites include:


    Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Samarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown

    Angels and Demons - Dan Brown

    Jin-Shei - Alma Alexander

    Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden

    Yokai Attack! - Yoda & Alt

    The Witches - Roald Dahl (my favourite when I was a kid ^-^)

    Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowling

    (my fav among the series was Prisoner of Azkaban, and personally, my interest declined after the fifth book..Still liked the first few books in the series though)


    Now reading some other novels..Some are translated from Japanese, while others written in English...

    I usually prefer to read books that involve fantasy themes. Other genres I quite interested in are Sci-fi, Medieval, Historical, Mythology and some others..

  16. I like the Christmas Kyrii better than the Christmas Pteri..


    Same as you, I like the whiteness of the Kyrii's coat and somehow looks more 'special' (for lack of a better word)..

    On the other hand, it's not that the Pteri looks bad, it's just that it looks a bit plain-looking...

  17. That's great looking!

    Congratz on your Darigan Peophin! ^-^

    It looks dashing!


    I'm not very good at customising stuff, and not too familiar with the available backgrounds, but maybe a posh-looking background would fit it?

  18. mm, I dunno. I am struggling with Zherane's look... I'm not liking the Faerie Ogrin as much as I used to. I guess I'll just see when I reach my NP goal.


    and I'll probably draw my own. while I admire other people's work, I inevitably like to create my own stuff. once I get my muse back, I'm going to sit down and study the CSS/HTML so that I can actually make my own userlookup =)



    Oh oh! It's great you can draw too! *envies*

    Always envied those that can draw cuz my drawing skills are....'disasteriffic' =X

    Good luck with the CSS/HTML stuff..looking forward to see your work of art next time =D


    Hmm..since you're not really liking the Faerie Ogrin look anymore, it's a good time to change it to the next design on your list? =D

  19. the blocking isn't why he's immature. it's more along the lines of he'd rather whine and complain about life than try to do anything to improve it. plus, he seemed to have commitment issues. oh well. it was nice while it lasted.


    and I had already Neomailed him. I thought I was going to have my card the next day, but it didn't happen. I thought for sure it would be here by yesterday, but again, no dice. hopefully on Monday!!


    True true...keep the good memories and forget the bad =D


    Good luck! Hope it goes well for you! ^-^

  20. Thanks for the advice. I think I'll try the Shop Wizard and the Trading Post. I never really liked the auctions.


    I never liked Auctions too =X Just not my kind of thing..


    In my opinion, if the item is not an unbuyable, using the Shop Wizard is better, but if the item is an unbuyable, my option would be to turn to the trading post.

    Sometimes, depending on luck, some people will be in a rush to sell and request a lower asking price, but not much difference though...The prices generally are around the same for the same item though. Then again, sometimes the sellers don't accept/ reject trades for a long time, so your funds could get tied up..

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