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Posts posted by sintralin

  1. Just now, casperiscaptain said:

    You have given Steam Jug to User 'sintralin'. Click the button below to continue.


    I sent you the item that you need! Happy Questing! :D

    Wow, thanks so much!! You're great :)

  2. It's just a regular food item, and as far as I know of, no faerie wants that for any of her quests. Maybe Taelia, but I haven't done one of her quests in a long time xD


    Hmm, that's weird. I just stocked up on a ton and sold almost 30 between yesterday and today. Maybe people just like buying it/feeding it to their pets :?

  3. I was just wondering what the item "Bottle of Water" is even used for. I got one as a random event a while ago and saw it was priced at about 800. Bought up a few that were selling for drastically under that, and put it in my shop. It seems like they're selling really quickly for an item that doesn't seem to have much use. The only thing I saw it used for was in the Cooking Pot, but that was only one recipe. Is it like a popular quest item or what?


    This is kind of random, I've just been wondering for a long time.

  4. With a bang, a Dark Faerie appears. "Get me Orange Origami Gallion. Don't ask questions and maybe I won't turn you into a Blechy."


    Thanks in advance, it's been forever since I got a faerie quest! :D

  5. Since this is the Internet and all, I'll just stick with my number one typing/chatting pet peeve -


    Wen ppl talk lak dis.


    IT GETS SO ANNOYING. It takes me longer to process the actual word than it would have for them to just have typed it in the first place. And it just looks...wrong, somehow. Probably because it is. I don't mind abbreviations of things like LOL or things like that, it's just when it's way too prevalent. And on a similar note, when people finish asking you for some elaborate favor and then just go "kthxbai"



    Doesn't seem annoying as much as rude. Someone went to a lot of trouble to help you out, and you can't even type out a "thank you"?



  6. Ohh wow, I loved Carmen San Diego! I only had the Where in Time and Where in the World ones, and I loved the time one. Except I couldn't get past the American Revolution part with the Declaration of Independence because a section got stuck under another and I couldn't get them un-stuck....


    I found part two of it today and was super excited for a second but realized I still had no idea where part one was, so I couldn't play it :/


    Other than that though, I used to play Cluefinders all the time (there were like 12 different ones for each grade) and a bunch of gamecube games (Kirby Air Ride, Super Smash, Legend of Zelda etc etc)

  7. Wow, looks like a ton of people hate onions. I personally kind of like them (cooked only) but two of my friends REALLY hate them. We always make fun of each other for it XD


    What's really disgusting though is cauliflower (at least to me). It's like broccoli with all the color and flavor drained and with added ickyness. And I didn't even really like broccoli in the first place, so eating them was just hell....

  8. Oops, forgot to check back on this thread for a while..


    @ ahtaxotep - maybe try the link in stream27's post? I haven't clicked on it myself, but if it worked better for them maybe it would for you too :)


    @RoboHissi - WOW, I would feel awful if your brother ended up getting locked out too because of me. It's great that he didn't, though. I've been getting a ton of lag on my habitarium lately too, although my internet connection was always really bad so I just chalked it up to that...looks like it's actually a problem with the game?


    @siniri - You're welcome! It's awesome that I was able to help out :) I'm glad some people found my link helpful, although the maker of the petpage probably deserves more of the credit XD

  9. Blue Berry Tonu Hard Candy... Oh and I was wondering if someone could show me the cheapest for an old box fort


    Found Blue Berry Tonu Hard Candy for 1000 cheapest, I think


    And here, for 1047 np:



    Cheapest for an old box fort seems to be 1000 here:



    Are these all for a faerie quest? How are you getting so many??

  10. Oh wow, that really sucks! I just started playing Habitarium and would just die if I got locked out D:


    I read about a possible solution on another TDN thread that the TNT has been telling people about "unofficially", since it doesn't work for all users -




    Pasted a link to a guide that details the method described. Just Ctrl+F "Merge-Method" and it should show up.


    Good luck getting back into your Habitarium!

  11. Too lazy to read all these giant posts so i'm just gonna throw in that I really don't beleive the world will end tomorrow. For one thing, this kinda just popped up out of nowhere, and while i'm religous, I don't think the world is ending any time soon by God's hand.


    Humans totally jacking up the ecosystem is a different matter though.


    Haha, sorry for the wall of text. I think we ended up talking more about different possibilities for human extinction rather than the May 21 "Rapture" or the 2012 Doomday, though. Like nuclear terrorism and proliferation. I guess that got a little off topic? Oh well, it was fun :)

  12. I read through this thread and was like "WOW I remember that book! I loved it!" at most of the posts. I'm totally going to go and reread the Artemis Fowl and Percy Jackson series when I have time XD


    Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite romance novels, I read it for English extra credit and expected it to be boring (since most of the assigned readings are) but this one was amazing!


    Terry Pratchet also writes some really good books, I think one of my favorites was "The Hogfather". They're just so nonsensical and...."sensical" at the same time.


    I saw someone liked John Grisham - The Firm was a really good one in my opinion, I thought the main character was really smart and capable unlike a lot of the ones authors seem to be using nowadays... -.-

  13. I try not to click on it because for some weird reason I feel like I'll get better karma if I don't :D


    Also does it take up more of the TDN server if you do or something? Why does the button exist in the first place?

  14. I agree with you sintralin, while the biggest threat with nuclear weapons may be terrorist organizations, how do such organizations get such weapons? Through means of a crooked government. However according to Realism, which states "Anarchy is the permissive cause of war," it wouldn't matter to any one nation about retaliation. There is no set world government to control the nation-states, and when one nation-state feels the other is getting too powerful, then they will begin to stockpile and build up their defense in fear. However, both nation states can only fear so much before they begin to fear the threat of an attack and decide to initiate an attack before they're blindsided. A perfect example of this is the Cold War, and while it did not escalate to the point of nuclear fall out, thank god, it did come very close.


    The idea of arms races is true to a point, but the Cold War is kind of empirical proof that countries really only engage in nuclear proliferation, not nuclear war - it was because of the massive buildup of nuclear weapons that leaders became so cautious of the consequences of using a single one. Since both sides had such massive arsenals no first strike could entirely wipe it out, initiating a first strike would be devastating to the opponent but would ensure nuclear retaliation in kind. Which leads to the stand off we basically have today.


    On the point of terrorist organizations, that's what makes Pakistan and other nuclear-but-unstable countries such a huge risk. I don't believe that in a country like the US or even Russia that terrorists would be able to acquire nuclear weapons, since the safeguards have been improved quite a bit with the arms treaties.


    Realism doesn't account for non-state actors, which basically means it completely ignores the actions of terrorist groups (what I have essentially deemed to be the biggest threat, at least in this scenario, provided they can actually get a nuke). I don't think initiating a first strike without a guarantee of nonretaliation would be beneficial in any way for the state who initiated conflict - the basic principle is that states will always act in their own interest, and while a world dictated by realism probably wouldn't sign arms reduction treaties (because that's only a relative, not an absolute gain for either country), nation-states are also unlikely to engage in a conflict if they will suffer huge damages.

  15. From what I've seen/read about/heard, the reason why cloning is illegal is mainly because of the shortened life span and higher risk for disease of the clones. From the experiments with Dolly, the clone lived for a significantly shorter period of time, and since science still hasn't been able to solve such problems I don't think it's ethical to bring someone into the world if they're only going to live such a life.


    Speaking of ethics, I might be wrong, but isn't the main reason for reproductive cloning that parents/loved ones/etc can "have their children back"? There seems to be something inherently wrong with allowing parents to "replace" their child, even if he/she died from some accident, etc. The clone would only be seen as a replacement for the original, even when the clone him/herself felt themselves as a whole, individual human being. They would always have to deal with some sort of bias or expectations that are just unfair to project onto someone who is functionally a different person.

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