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Posts posted by sintralin

  1. I don't think that the largest risk for humanity is really a state-caused nuclear war. I say "state-caused" because the principles like Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) basically ensure that world leaders will avoid any kind of all out nuclear shoot-out - both sides are likely to suffer such massive damages that neither is willing to risk their country's survival. Even if Russia does have the most nuclear weapons, I do believe that the US still holds nuclear supremacy by a large margin, which was one of the only reasons the GOP were even willing to sign START II recently. And I think that while presidents may get away with quite a lot of things that overstep their authority, deploying nuclear weapons would not be one of them. In fact, Congress has actually been very successful in curbing Presidential actions during the war simply by cutting off the funds needed to keep troops deployed, and get to attach ridiculous standards to which programs/troops get the funding. (1)


    That said, nuclear weapons are still one of the biggest existential threats we face. I just think that nuclear terrorism is the most likely action that would actually involve the use of a nuclear weapon. Terrorists that have no (willing) state sponsor have little need to worry about nuclear retaliation, and most are ideologically committed to attacking the U.S., etc. In the case of a nuclear terrorist attack, retaliation by the U.S. would probably still not be nuclear, but I still feel that's the greatest risk posed by nuclear weapons. Although the chances of terrorists getting access to a nuclear bomb are still pretty slim atm, since not many states are willing to sponsor them with the technology. The rising instability in the Pakistan government is a pretty big cause for worry, though...


    In general, I don't think even the most dangerous technology created by humans will result in a complete extinction any time soon, since the deterrents to using those weapons are so strong. I'm definitely not informed enough about the issue of giant asteroids and the like, however, to support my opinion on that. But it does sound like a pretty horrible way to be wiped out.


    (1) - “ Congressional Use of Funding Cutoffs Since 1970 Involving U.S. Military Forces and Overseas Deployments ”, http://www.fas.org/man/crs/RS20775.pdf

  2. I'm not a huge fan either of the clothing, but I do like the backgrounds a lot.


    Although recently, I just won 150 NC with the Qasalan Expellibox and bought one of my pets a set of mechanical wing things, which looked all right :)


    But all the clothes make my Shoyru look absolutely pot-bellied, so I've given up on actual clothing.


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  3. Yeah, I feel like the information needed to recover an account is something I would never have remembered. Luckily I was able to get back my old old account (8 years) by re-activating the Yahoo account I'd used to open it, but I didn't remember a THING about neofriends, trades or even pets...


    I think it'd be more secure too if they just used security questions like most email accounts do - your first elementary school, parent's middle name etc.


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  4. I only play with my Neofriends, so I've never had that much of a problem myself. But if it's against the rules to quit like that, I would probably just stick it out. I totally understand the feeling of not wanting someone who's being a jerk to win any prizes, though.


    I used to quit out of a game before it started though, when I had just started and didn't know how to add Neofriends the right way. So random people would join my room and I would get freaked out and leave.

  5. I really like darigan. I'm really terrible with picking sports teams both in life and in neopets, so I just go with the one whose outfit I like the most. It's a terrible way of picking, but its all I've got :P


    Hahaha, I totally do the same. It's my first year doing the Altador Cup but I'll probably be joining up with Darigan too, since they look pretty BA.

  6. Wow, tons of great ideas so far, I wonder if they'll be implemented? (I sure hope so!)


    I don't know if it's been mentioned already (only read the first and last pages) but a function where you could select P3s by scrolling through them would be great. Like, in the section where it shows the stats you can click an arrow and it selects the next P3 in your habitarium. It'd make things a lot easier for me at least since my internet is really laggy and I always end up clicking the background instead of the actual P3, or when multiple P3s are on the same tile and I have to drag all the rest of them off just to find one that's tired, etc.

  7. Not sure whether it's the right choice, but I usually just sell them individually.


    It sounds like a really good idea to hoard them though until things inflate, but I get impatient too easily >.<


    I started buying some Icy Neggs though after finding out they were retired. Maybe they'll go up in price? Or with my luck, they'll just deflate since no one needs them..

  8. I usually only spin the Wheel of Excitement, but after reading some comments I think I'll start the Wheel of Mediocrity :P


    Although I really only spun the Excitement one because it looked pretty...yeah that sounds dumb but I think it was a carry-over feeling from the time when I was 8 and started playing >.<

  9. Haha, at first I thought this was a theory on why the rich slorg always handed out neopoints XD


    But the classification in spooky seems to make sense due to what it is - no matter how cute, it's still a slug :P

    And it'd be pretty horrifying if you accidentally poured salt on it or something o.O

  10. Yeah, the censoring thing is really intense on Neopets :/


    I had a friend who got silenced for 24 hours because she said something about being "flexible"...


    Luckily they didn't freeze her, but I've stayed away from the boards ever since.

  11. Personally, I'd stick with the lab map :P


    It's probably not a very similar experience, but I bought a couple of trading cards before at a really low price (value at about 7k, bought it for 1k) and tried to resell. Of course, no one wanted to buy them and they've since deflated about 3 to 4k :(

    I've had it for about a year now...

  12. Not so sure about sending in the tickets but you could always try re-activating your old email account? I had forgotten my old email too but was able to find it using my current email - it had a record of the email account I had used previously. Then I just re-activated the old email and had Neopets send my username and password again.


    You've probably already tried doing that, but if you haven't it's worth a shot.

  13. I am level 50 now and I have been raided by a few rude people before. I can totally understand your feeling of revenge.:)

    I think P3s in the house/barracks cannot come out without any instruction. So only soldiers who are walking here and there can attack your soldiers.

    Maybe you should send a neomail to ask your rude neofriend why did he raid you. Someone doesn't know what "raid" means and raid his/her neofriend unintentionally.


    Nah, we know each other IRL and I'd just asked him not to (he promised he wouldn't) so it was definitely intentional <_<

    Thanks for the reply! I finally got impatient (was going to wait until level 19 until raiding) and just raided him today...complete success!


    I think you're right, there were only about 3 or 4 P3s walking around at the time and no more came out after the raid started. I'm kind of scared to log off now, haha.


    I wish there would be a feature that would let you watch as the raid goes on. Do you know what happens if you log back on while someone's raiding you? Does it just stop or fail or something?

  14. I've just recently started playing Habitarium (I'm a level 14 atm) and was wondering how the raid funcion works. So does anyone know, when you choose to raid someone, do all of your Neofriend's P3s suddenly come out of the houses/barracks/etc in order to attack your soldiers? Or are the only ones that can attack/defend the ones that are already wandering around outside of the buildings?


    I already read most of the guides on TDN, Jellyneo etc but they don't seem to cover raiding much.


    PS - disclaimer - I'm not intending on raiding people just to be mean or steal resources; one of my neofriends raided me just after I started (he was level 22) and stole a bunch of stuff, so this is just revenge :evil:

  15. Next major event will be the Altador Cup VI. Sort of consumes everything when it's going. Did you play in an earlier AC?


    I'm pretty sure I missed out on the last one, too :/


    I did some kind of Altador plot about constellations but I don't think it was the Altador Cup.

  16. Hi everyone!


    I just started playing Neopets again after making an account a few years back - I'd totally forgotten how fun and addicting this was :laughingsmiley:

    First time making an account with TDN though, so forgive me if I make some dumb mistakes >.<


    This site has already been SUPER helpful for everything Neopets, and I hope I'll learn a lot from all of you :)

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