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Posts posted by Airotia

  1. Haha, don't worry, my boyfriend glanced over at my laptop one day and noticed I was playing Meerca Chase. Instead of calling me a dork, he was like, "Hey, I remember that game!" and had to try his hand at it. He did soooo badly.

    OH GOSH, that's adorable. XD It's so amazing when people you know happen to have played/do play Neopets. =3


    I was playing Volcano Run way way way back in the day, back before Volcano Run II, back when I had a SHOT at the avatar... and my cousin (he's like six years older than me) had to try it. And when he finished, he gave me this, 'I did pretty good!' and was so proud of himself that he asked if he could send the score.

    I was like, 'Well. I'm out 700 NPs for this, but I don't want to tell him he sucks, so...' and said yeah. XD

  2. no phone calls, but I got this weird text that said: Mom what do we eat for dinner, the german is under the table.

    It was more funny than creepy though.

    That sounds like spy code to me for some reason. ;3

    YOU'RE BEING RECRUITED FOR SPY...ing... and you don't even know it yet. XD

    You just need to decipher it now! :D

  3. So I've been playing around on the site a bit!

    It's a pretty cute pet site. =3 I have a buddy that spends ALL of her time on such sites, so I shall pass it along to her so that she may give it a whirl.


    Stuff I Love So Far:

    OOOOH PRETTY COLORS ON THE PET CUSTOMIZATIONS. xD I have a lavender-ish Tippid with black line marks, and I played with colors for a good half hour.

    The general concept is pretty cool.


    Questions/stuff that needs to be worked on:

    Won't pester you about the capture tokens 'cause I'm pretty sure that's going to be in the shop, which is coming up later today/early tomorrow/whenever if I"m not mistaken. If not, however, how do you get them?

    I taught my Tippid Heal and Bite using the tablet I got from the boxes whilst wandering about... how do I use them in battle/it's not letting me use them in battle...?


    I'll edit this if I find anything else before you respond. XD

  4. It's not replacing Expellibox, 'cause I just did that a little while ago.


    It's not a game that COSTS NC like JubJub Power Bounce, is it? D:

    I hope not... yet another cool game that gives you awesome prizes, but only if you got the mon-ay. XD

  5. I'm not necessarily talking about the phone calls were someone breathes heavily into the phone or says some line from a horror movie in a raspy voice, but also unintentionally creepy calls, too.


    I got a phone call from UNKNOWN NUMBER with a way out of area area code. I said 'Hello' twice and then suddenly it clicked before a robot voice said "Goodbye."

    It sounded so ominous that I actually looked through my window, expecting a bomb or a missile or explosion or something.

    Creepy. Seriously creepy.


    Anyone else get creepy phone calls/what's the creepiest phone call you've ever gotten?

  6. If all my nails aren't equal length, they must be cut -- not filed, because the filing noise makes me want to throw up.

    When I'm alone in the house, I pace around and talk to myself.

    When I pace, I always check to make sure the front and backdoor are locked as I go by them.

    My desktop (on my computer) is kept EXTREMELY NEAT. Only one row of icons, no shortcuts. Just folders and whatever text document or drawing thingy I happen to be working on at the time.


    And I used to do the same freaking out if you didn't finish first thing, on classwork and such. :O

  7. The only place I really like wigs is in Royal Paintbrush colors. Everything else tends to look... odd to me. Like Neopets are working their ways towards anthro or something. XP I mean, of course they are still animal-shaped and all, but when has a person wig on a cat or dog (or panther or griffin or bear) not been horrendously creepy? XD

  8. I used to go for Faerieland when I was younger because I had some strange obsession with them. XD Obviously it's not there anymore or I wouldn't be calling it a strange obsession, but back when I was younger I'd pick them every time even if they didn't really have a shot 'cause I was so attached to the team.


    Not that back then my scores helped. D; I might have single-handedly buried my own team by doing low-effort stuff. XP

  9. I will rate 8/10 for Lippstik. I love the background and the foreground but the hat doesn't match that much. Maybe you can try "Snowager Cap" or "Snow Drift Hat"?


    Can anyone rate my dear Chocolate Wocky Kanne? Thanks Kittyn from TDN forums for giving me such a nice foreground.:D



    10/10 definitely! :O I love the overall sweets theme and everything, and everything matches really nicely~! ^_^


    Xanderra the (bookworm) Ghost Xweetok?


  10. Yeah I drew the original of the above, she colored and neatened it up in Photoshop. =3 Which I'm actually pretty sure she did more work 'cause it only took me thirty minutes to draw, but she was nice enough to post it here, anyways. XD

  11. :D Welcome to TDN~! I won't say welcome to Neopets 'cause, well, I think you've been playing a little longer than me. XD I've been playing for like. 9 years? Not that I have accounts from that far back, they're all four to six. My main only has 53-ish months, but I digress~


    Mutants are totally rockin'. ;D Two of my permies are Mutant. =3

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