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Posts posted by m_a_r_m_i_t_e

  1. The first idea that came to my mind was ice cream :P


    That's a cool idea :D


    Oh, I see! Yeah, I thought it'd be a neat idea to have a Gallery focusing on one thing instead of just a way to show off things you have. :)

    Especially for items nobody ever wants. :D


    It's awesome, I think it looks nice :) I prefer ones like that over ones where people just show off how many NP they have by being able to afford overly expensive things for their gallery.

  2. Ooh, I love creative ideas for Galleries.~


    How about a Gallery full of items of just one color?

    Or maybe a Jelly Gallery. Orrrrrr an Omelette one? :O


    I saw your gallery earlier, it's actually what made me to decide I wanted a gallery, I think it's such a great unique idea :D

  3. M -


    Whilst everyone else has papers and work to do I personally do not study and have no work this week, wahoo! Although, I will probably be very bored due to the lack of things I have to do, so sometimes I wish I actually did have work to do.

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