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Posts posted by nURLo

  1. I have had this happen to me a couple of times when I leave the game open for more than a day.

    Try and refresh the page and see if that helps. If not you might have to replace them or wait till they die.


    It helps to refresh every so often, especially if you plan on keeping the window open longer than 5-6 hours.

  2. Something Has Happened! lilgrarrl.gif You are now eligible to use 'Grarrl Keno' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    Got this one from help from previous TDN forum posts.... ty ty

    awaiting the "icy snowflake" request from the ALP :)


    Thank you ALP!!!

    I now have the "Let it Snow" avatar... mmm can't wait till the year of celebrating!


    Got another one today!!! Now I can give dice-a-roo a break!!!

    Something Has Happened! luckyblumaroo.gif You are now eligible to use 'Dice-A-Roo' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

  3. I have 28 workers, 13 nesters, and 5 soldiers, all active and out and collecting or nesting. I seem to be only making about 40k a day though with it constantly running and checking on my nesters once every hour. :(


    Do the gems disappear if you don't collect them quickly? I collect every hour but there doesn't seem to be very many.


    And Congratulations Hannah on 50! :D


    I'm pretty sure that gems don't disappear.

    However I have noticed if there isn't enough space on the board, collect your gems and then refresh the habi.

    New gems seem to "pop-up" if you let the board get full before collecting them.

  4. Hmm. I started out with a lot of nesters because I thought nesters were the way to go, and I had about 11 before i realized I should be focusing on workers. So right now I think I have 11 nesters, 11 workers and 3 soldiers. I'm wondering if I should try to kill off some of my nesters (maybe 8?) >< and replace them with workers. I have tons of eggs because I try to harvest eggs as often as I can and I definitely had 8 worker eggs to replace them.


    Q: Is this worth it to boost how fast I level up? Will it make a difference? I have about 4-5 more days before any of my first P3s die, so that could be quite a bit of exp I'm missing right? Also, how to kill off P3?


    I only have 5 nests so I have 6 of my nesters harvesting which isn't very efficient, but even if i had nests for them, I can't always check every hour since I have school/work and other stuff.


    Edit: Also, does anyone know how long you have to leave an egg for before it cracks and the P3 escapes?


    While you are on level 21 you should max out your habitarium so that the eggs won't hatch if left alone.

    Then it'll usually only asks for two options; discard, or harvest.


    If you are not able to check on your habi often, I would said that nesters are the way to go.

    You can easily discard you eggs for 200XP per egg.

    Helping out friends is 50XP (but you should wait for the "tick" to see the progress on your XP bar)


    I found that building and upgrading is a quick way to gain XP when trying to reach level 50.

    Building a building - 200XP

    Upgrading a building - 300XP


    You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Good luck!

  5. congrats!


    From research and trail and error I have found the following to be true for level 50.


    If you have a computer that can handle the animations and an internet connection with a high upload speed (I'm talking Ethernet cable suck up all the juice)and can leave a tab with the Habi open having more workers will make you XP and Gems faster.


    But if your like most users, build a bunch of nest and cash in on those 200XP eggs.

    If you have 10 nesters going and just check on them from time to time that's 1,000NP right there. No hassles!


    If you need a habi friend, just add me... I'm on everyday :thumbsup:



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