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Posts posted by Dillon

  1. Ouch. Are they going to use an anaestetic (spelling?) on you?

    Yeah they are I would cry if they didnt put me to sleep.


    I had suggery once,. it was supposed to be a one day thing.

    But i didn't wake up for a cople of days because some how, blood was found in my head.

    This is why i don't belive Doctor when they say it's day in and day out.

    13 DAYS i spent in the hospital

    WOW! That stinks. What was the surgery for?

  2. Hey guys I got a broken arm sunday. I was horseplaying in the pool and my arm slamed against the edge of the pool and some how my arm got turned 270 degrees around. I am taking vicodin (spelling?). I cam type with one hand so please excuse my spelling mistakes. I have to get surgery next wednesday and im really scared. I'l post a pic of my temp cast.

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