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Posts posted by Dillon

  1. Wait I saw it in Netscape. How can you have a favicon in Netscape and not IE? XD And pretty much everyothers sites favicons work. =/ Oh well I can I can go favicon less until I go sane.

  2. I disagree with you Dillon... I'm not a talkative person... not until I know the people enough to feel confortable to show my true insanity XD

    Nah, it seems a little more active than during the summer, I would say. I'm trying to get 2 of my friends more involved over there. We just need more topics to post in. *tries to think about topics she could create...*

    Youre not very talkative and you dont post alot. It fits. :P

  3. You only struck me as a very very active member, at least compared to me. I'm not even a super member yet, and you're a fantastic member.


    Well its because I am very talative in real life.

    I checked - they weren't really annoying to me. More like amusing. But then again I'm that kind of guy.

    Yeah but about 10 others were like eww ban him.


    I think forum posting has to do with how talkative your are in real life. I am very talkative.

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