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Posts posted by bubbble

  1. I don't really like a 8-Bit Chomby but a 8-Bit Grundo is awesome!

    Can 8-Bit pets wear normal clothes? If no, 8-Bit pets are suitable for users who are too lazy to customize their pets!:P

  2. Boochi is good if you can choose which one of your pets to be zapped baby.

    I wanted my Korbat to be zapped baby(I don't really like grey pet and I think that a Baby Korbat is so cute!) but Boochi zapped my Lutari into baby when I was in a user's shop.

    I was so angry at that time. Luckily my Lutari was not painted and luckily my Chocolate Wocky was not my active that time.

    But after my neofriend said a Baby Lutari looks like a squirrel, I agreed with her and started to customize her as a squirrel!(new neopets species?lol... :laughingsmiley: )

    I will let her be a baby before a really nice Lutari colour is released.:)

  3. Sometimes I really think that TNT is super funny.

    I was silenced for 24hours for providing my e-mail address to my neofriend.(I understand that TNT try to protect the user, but I am not a kid anymore!) I remembered I did the same thing 5 years ago and nothing happened. Maybe TNT has changed the rule after that.

    The most weird thing is, nothing happened on my neofriend who asked for my facebook e-mail. So if TNT does not allow users to ask other for "social networking sites" account, why not TNT includes words such as "Facebook" in their filter? :O


    Undoubtedly, neoboard is still useful to advertise my shop, finding active Habitarium neighbours or when I need help on Faerie quest. So I am still using it carefully. :P

  4. I wanted to transfer a Sketch Aisha with a normal Aisha Collar on it to my neofriend. I thought only NC items and battledome items will be removed during the transfer. So I let the Sketch Aisha to wear a normal Aisha Collar instead of Sketch Aisha Collar before transfer.

    But after the transfer, I found that the normal Aisha Collar is still in my closet and the Sketch Aisha Collar has disappeared! <_<

    So, how to transfer paint brush clothes? Is it possible to transfer a Sketch Aisha with a normal Aisha Collar?

  5. Maybe you can try to apply for it and state your problem there. The staff will contact you and reply your question.

    This happened on me when I try to borrow a Orange Grundo from ALP. The ALP staff sent me a Neomail and said my TDN forum posts number is too low. He/she asked me to apply again when my posts number meets the requirement.

    I got all the expensive items avatar with the help of ALP(by the way, with full collateral) and I love all the ALP staffs as all of them are so kind! :wub_anim:

  6. I just got the Meowclops avatar with the help of TDN Avatar Lending Program. :laughingsmiley:

    In fact, I got almost all the expensive items avatar with the help of ALP. I think this is the easiest way to get an avatar and I really appreciate it! ^_^

  7. I don't remember it took me a lot of time .. nop .. because I borrowed all the items from TDN and I was quite swift in giving them back .. wow ... that was so long ago !


    But it seems the ALP has stopped lending the items?

    I want to get the avatar but I don't want to spend on it. (I have spent so much nps in getting the Kelp avatar but still no luck.:()

  8. Currently I am zapping pound pets to special colour/species pets and put them on my guild's adoption agency. The guild is still new and I hope more zappers can join and more pound pets can be rescued!

    4 pound pets has been rescued until now. ;)

    I never trade them as I think that pets are not items. I just want to find a good home for them.

  9. I tried to get this avatar by using my Chocolate Wocky for the first time but I failed.:(

    I posted a topic on neoboard and some users said my Wocky is too heavy!(35lbs) They said the chances of getting the avatar is higher by using a pet which is less than 30lbs.

    So, I borrowed my friend's lab rat- the invisible Quiggle which is only 16lbs(around that, I can't actually remember :P) and tried again and again today but still no luck.

    I am really fed up as my 181,200nps(I tried 3 times) has gone like this.

    One of the Kelp avatar guide stated that it is easier to get the avatar between 12.30-1.00pm NST but sadly I am not able to online at that time. (It is so unfair to different time zone people if this information is true!)

    It seems that everyone has his/her on way on getting the avatar. There is one old topic on Kelp avatar in tdnforum and I saw one member said he/she got the avatar by ordering the same cocktail(not full meal) again and again. If this is true, I am willing to try as the cheapest cocktail costs 7k nps only. :)

  10. I love to play Kou-Jong on medium level but it is too hard to reach 800 points!

    I am still working on it! Argh.... :grrr:

    I get 653 after completing all 3 levels on hard but "Problem processing your score. For best results, close the pop-out window and re-open it to restart your game." :sad02:

    Does anyone know why this happen? I am afraid that it happens again when I get a score of 800.

  11. Now I spend most of my time on Habitarium! I put my items on auction too!

    My goal is to have a bank account level of "Ultimate Riches!"(300k more!).

    After I have 10m, I will work towards my other goal such as have a draik, have a pink pet, get the stock market avatar...

  12. If you need any help on building, you can add me as your neofriend and neomail me what you need.

    I am more than happy to give away some buildings to help those who need help.

    But please don't raid me! I hate raiders.... :grrr:

  13. http://pets.neopets.com/cp/oqzmb9tz/1/2.png


    Not sure if this link will work... rate anyway!


    Your starry Xweetox looks cool! But I think the background doesn't match the arch so maybe you can change your background to a sweet or dark colour background. I rate your neopets 8/10!


    Ok so IbisMay is the only one I'm happy with (I mean with customizing). I like simple customizing & I don't have NC. Here she is:


    I wanted to give her a dress, but I think it's enough. What do you think?


    Your purple Aisha looks a little bit mysterious with the flower mask, as if she is going to a "Summer Garden" themed party! I think you should give her a dress, then I will rate her 10/10! Now I give her 8.5/10.

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