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Posts posted by lili

  1. Can anyone help me with I think its Part 3 constellations. I'm having trouble with the map maker thingie on the TDN Altador guide. :eh:




    What internet browser do you use? I use firefox, and it seems as if firefox makes the map maker angry, so if you aren't on Internet Explorer, I would suggest using IE opposed to other browsers.



    I hope I helped!

  2. Hi, I'm having some real trouble with my third puzzle. If someone could help me out, I would really appreciate it!!


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v606/forgottnsndwich/random/clip_image002.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>




    Sorry for the blurriness, I will try to make the quality better, if needed.



    Thanks so much!




    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Jubjubman).

    Above the picture!!!!!!! I just wasted time solving this. Not happy Jan!

    Please contact Jubjubman if you have any questions regarding this


    ***NEVERMIND!! I figured it out on my own. Thanks anyway!

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