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Scarlet Fever

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Posts posted by Scarlet Fever

  1. just created a yellow poogle on my side account, her name is aloritia, i hope i remember to feed her, i forgot to feed my side account pets for... well... a few months, i think, i'm bad :-( :sad02:

    I'm really bad about that myself. I'll remember to feed the active pet, but the others are a bit neglected. I've started putting them in the Neolodge.


    I managed to make a couple for zappy purposes. :D And I think Transparent looks kind of fabulous.

  2. Is anyone waiting or looking to get a Poogle today? What do you think the new colors will be?



    I'll be honest, there is only one current color I like...and it's going to be a beast to try to get; ie Robot (and I shall name him something incredibly silly like Darth_Pooglehead).

  3. I have not forgotten! I'll finish out those recipes here tonight, most likely. I'm looking forward to today. The fellow is taking me to Michael's to birthday shop. :D He knows me all too well.


    So, how did your experiment go, Sweetdang?

  4. sold the treasure chest for 99,999. pretty happy about that.

    Wow, I had no idea they'd sell for something like that. I pretty much get junk every time I open one. Do you (or anyone) know of a list of items you can get from them?


    Today I got nothin'. Oh wells. :)

  5. Yay thanks! :)


    For me, the concept of halloween just goes against my religion. But religion is a sensitive topic, and I don't want to offend anybody, so I'll just say that. What you do is fin enough, I don;t think there's anything wrong with that.. but whilst doing that you're celebrating halloween, and it's roots. I know, it's from a celtic family or something like that, originally named All Hallow's Eve. But...


    Anyway, thank you! If it's a success I'll send one to you via FAERIE MAGIC. :D

    Gotta love that faerie magic. lol


    Better make that today that I post, because yesterday got crazy-busy! I'll put it in the first post here in just a sec. :D I'm not religious in any way, shape or form, myself. I just love a good excuse for get-togethers and good food. heh


    @Kwa: Woohoo...Birthday twins!


    Edit: I got a handful of the recipes in spoilers in the first post. I'm taking a break before I type out the last 4. :D

  6. I spotted a Spotted (lol) Usul, Split Lenny and a Desert Wocky within a minute of my pound surfering. If they didn't have such "blah" names, I'd probably have scooped one up.


    Edit: I just had one heck of a lucky grab (in my opinion). I like to take a peek at some of the Noteable Pets on the front page as usually the person has some other interesting pets as well. When I went to check one out today I noticed that she was in the pound; and I got her! She's a Maraquan Aisha with a pretty nifty name.

  7. @Nahemah: Aw, That's probably my favorite Peanuts movie (though I do quite like the Valentine one with "the little red-haired girl". lol)


    @Sweetdang: I'll probably get to posting those recipes tonight...The ingredients aren't too farfetched, so hopefully you'd be able to find them. :)


    Halloween or no, you don't have to have an excuse for spooky food and fun. :D

  8. Carmel Apple Pops are my absolute favorite thing ever! I would always take them to class so I would have something to keep myself from falling asleep ^_^ I'll definitely have to remember to buy some of those before I start school.

    Lol...I know what you're talking about; those things are amazing. The things I make are pretty much just mini caramel apples. I need to buy a melon baller.


    If I remember, I'll post the recipes I have here to share the seasonal foody goodness.

  9. *now with commentary!* :woot: ....It's 5:30am and I haven't slept...so it may not be amusing, but you get it nevertheless!


    Acara - Maraquan; you can never have enough tentacles (said ten-tah-cleese).

    Aisha - Pirate; eyepatches are foxy.

    Blumaroo - Plushie; button eyes of cuteness.

    Bori - Mutant; who doesn't like a mischievous hunchback?

    Bruce - Skunk; one word: tuxedo.

    Buzz - Strawberry; rockin' leaf wings.

    Chia - Tomato; I dono...it's small and adorable.

    Chomby - Darigan; Have one! :D It just looks awesome.

    Cybunny - Grey; it looks sad and cuddly.

    Draik - Mutant; Have one of these as well. Yay! It just looks super-cool.

    Elephante - Baby; It's so little and cute.

    Eyrie - Halloween; that was kind of tough, I like Eyries.

    Flotsam - Striped; that was kind of tough, I dislike Flotsams.

    Gelert - Mutant; It looks like a spikey Hyena!

    Gnorbu - Fire; it is probably the best looking Fire pet.

    Grarrl - Jelly; Wiggly Reptar.

    Grundo - Mallow; it's so cute and I've zapped one twice now, but it doesn't go with my themes. lol

    Hissi - Maractite; the colors in this one are gorgeous.

    Ixi - Zombie; his outfit reminds me of Prince...because my mind operates that way. lol

    Jetsam - Shadow; just plain cool.

    JubJub - Woodland; is this the happy little bush Bob Ross is always trying to paint?

    Kacheek - Zombie; "Let me eat your brains, Brenda. I'm the one who loves you!"

    Kau - Mutant; *sings* Tentacllllleeeesss, tentacles!...I shall have one eventually.

    Kiko - Rainbow; he's the color of happy!

    Koi - Spotted; I like Koi!...as in the fishy-fish, not necessarily the pet.

    Korbat - Mutant; cute angry-face.

    Kougra - Spotted; I am a Chee-tah, rawwwwrr! Also used to be on my wish-list.

    Krawk - Royalboy; he's cute in his smugness.

    Kyrii - Royalgirl; long hair is long. Pretty.

    Lenny - Pink; PLACIDO FLAMINGO! *sings* Senior Flaaamingo loves his ringing telephone!

    Lupe - Halloween; *sings some more* Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood...You sure are looking good.

    Lutari - Pirate; trust him. He looks legit.

    Meerca - Maraquan; spikey ball of pure cuteness.

    Moehog - Speckled; can sickly-looking be cute?

    Mynci - Halloween; you had me at scythe.

    Nimmo - Darigan; evil can be jolly.

    Ogrin -Baby; small things are cute.

    Peophin - Tyrannian; um...spiffy hair?

    Poogle - Robot; hands down. Darth Pooglepants!

    Pteri - Baby; it's an egg! (If anyone catches this song reference I'll be amazed)

    Quiggle - Faerie; it's wings are lovely.

    Ruki - Pirate; he has a magnificent hat.

    Scorchio - Halloween; I don't like Scorchios, but tophat wins.

    Shoyru - Maraquan; SO cute. This is another one I wanted, but doesn't fit my themes.

    Skeith - Royalgirl; very Queen of Hearts.

    Techo - Camoflauge; and now I want to play Gex.

    Tonu - Mutant; I don't think it has nearly enough spikes though. lol

    Tuskaninny - Mutant; Dr. Suess style. What's not to like?

    Uni - Halloween; beyond cool-looking. On my list. :)

    Usul - Magma; well...it's on fire.

    Wocky - Skunk; Le mew, le puuurrr..."I am coming my peanut of brittles" *continues to quote Pepe Le Pew in her infinite dork-dom*

    Xweetok - Desert; Eye of Ra eye make up makes me smile. That was going to be my first tattoo (on my back), I opted for an Ankh.

    Yurble - Baby; it's almost cute. (not a Yurble fan)

    Zafara - Brown; simple, but cute.

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