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Scarlet Fever

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Posts posted by Scarlet Fever

  1. That's never fun, though I've gotta let you know it's actually not too good for her to sleep in her car seat for extended periods of time.


    One thing that helped my daughter was to have a fan blowing. I did, however, have to eventually ween her off of the need for the fan in order to sleep.


    The only other advice I have is try to keep her on a pretty regular routine, naps are pretty important (even just laying her down for a bit will help...sometimes without naps they'll wake back up by time it's ready for bed). If she's not sick or teething, you may just need to let her cry it out (it's heart-wrenching, but sometimes necessary).

  2. Also be prepared for a lot of attention. I know somebody who cut 13 inches off of her hair and got so sick and tired of the "OMG YOU GOT A HAIRCUT!!!" crap.

    Lol, I find it kind of funny, actually.


    I compromised a bit and it's a shoulder length a-line bit, no bangs. I'm quite happy with it. :)


    No pictures at the moment, but it looks something like this:



    Thanks for all the suggestions/support! <3

  3. Also, a good tip is to bring in a few styles you like and ask your hairdresser. They know what styles flatter which face shape, bone structure, etc.

    Definitely a good idea. I'm lucky enough that my best friend is an amazing hairdresser, so not only am I not worried that she won't butcher me, but I know she'll be honest with me as well.


    Honestly, I'm not too worried about it looking bad. I used to be pretty adventurous when it came to my hair. If it looks bad..meh...it grows and I've got some pretty snazzy hats. lol


    Thanks all for the wonderfully suggestions! I have a slightly better grasp of what I want (probably no bangs. lol) and I'll definitely bring some picks to J and get her suggestion.

  4. I have had pretty much the same hairstyle since high school....long (seriously...it reaches my bum), straight, auburn, no bangs. I like my hair, but I'm kind of craving something different.


    I've already decided I'm going to dye it jet black (a color not seen on me since junior high. lol...I'm keeping my favored crazy colors to a minimum until I've lost my "so this is what happens when you go from high active job to a housewife" weight)...and while I have a basic idea of what I'm going for (kind of a cropped, at the chin thing) there are a few details I'm having trouble with; bangs vs. no bangs...symmetrical vs. asymmetrical.....and I have a few pictures and wanted to see what your thoughts were. Hm..think I will make a poll.




    1. We're leaning towards this one:











  5. lol @ Saxen's comment: I can understand that. I have a 4 year old; my patience has to be superhuman or something by now. hehe


    @Angelo: Omelettes! I swear, I had around 500 of those things in my SDB. o_O Congrats on the dubloon!


    *Strawberry Poogle Plushie

    *Green Kacheek Plushie

    *Bigsby Shadington Plushie (today is a day for plushies!)

    *Bigsby Shadington Plushie

    *Coltzan Plushie



    *Count Von Roo Bouncy Ball

    *Mutant Draik Plushie (WOOHOO! So cute!)

    *200NP (and a RE that game me a Petpet lab map piece)

  6. I didn't see a thread on this, so this one goes out to the stalkers of the Money Tree...Post your findings.



    *Winged Kookith

    *Governors Mansion Playset


    *Two Dubloon Coin


    *Grey Chomby Balloon (my friend collects balloons :D )

    *Trident of Chestnuts


    *Pink Frilly Koi Balloon




    *Note: I donate to the tree daily; sometimes it's fun to camp out and see what you get. ^_^

  7. Noteworthy bits;


    Pets: Gender swap. o.o (well...at least Mighty_Kauthulu is a boy again. lol)...........Maraquan Buzz to Snow Buzz ('tis the season. lol)


    Petpets: Awwwwwwwwww...Soot to Christmas Faellie (totally keeping this one until the end of the month)




    Pets: Stats and gender


    Petpets: Soot to Purple Horus, Desert Gallion to Island Gallion,

  8. Noteworthy bits;


    Pets: Mostly just stats...blah....However, Soothsayer_Says turned into a Chocolate Mynci yesterday (one of the less attractive choc. pets if you ask me).


    Petpets: Aw, Deathtrooper's petpet turned into a White Lutra...so darn cute, but I can't keep it; my OCD won't let me. lol

  9. Because Typhoid Mary is so overdone......lol :whistle:


    No, it actually came from a series of thoughts that were started by my love of Edgar Allen Poe; my favorite short story being Masque of the Red Death. I have a weird (perhaps morbid) fascination with horrid diseases...however, couldn't think of anything tuberculosis-related that had any kind of ring to it...so Scarlet Fever came to mind, as I actually really like the name (and color; my favorite color) Scarlet.


    Long story short; it came from my being kind of spooky and twisted. :*

  10. Last year when I joined (after years of being absent from the site), I'd coaxed my boyfriend into joining. He played for a grand total of 2 days. LOL


    I wasn't really nervous about him not liking it. We both play games that the other isn't quite interested in (I have my Neopets and various fighter-style games...he has his Oblivion, Command and Conquer and the like), but we both have games we like playing with the other too, so it all works out. :)

  11. Tip for anyone not receiving it promptly, mine seemed to be stuck in limbo land but when I clicked on the nick cash menu in monkey quest then clicked 'Transaction Log' I immediately was awarded the 100NC so maybe that will work for you too.

    Ooh, it worked! Thanks so much, I was starting to get worried.


    Woohoo, free NC. Monkey Quest is a cute and fun game, but I quit playing when I needed another person playing in order to progress; I'm a solo gamer by nature. lol

  12. Ooh, thanks for the info, all. Pet-stalking it is.


    Thread may be closed at any time; questions answered. :D



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  13. I don't think you can request a purge. I think they purge a bunch at a time every few years and the most recently was not that long ago. Sorry I can't be more specific.

    Aw, well no worries; it was still very helpful. Thanks. :)

  14. Woohoo....Started off my day with a quest from the Battle Faerie....She asked for something cheap, and Calico_Krawk got a defense, strength and health boost.


    The other day I got the Black Pteri as a Battledome Challenger. I'm not even close to being able to take it down, but I'm still excited. :D

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