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Posts posted by Olivia_D

  1. I usually make flash cards of what ever it is I need to brush up on. Then right before I go to bed (literally, I am in bed with the cards) I look over them. I study them all until I can take one or two away because I know them and keep going until I have them all. Then I immediately go to bed. First thing the next morning, I look over them again. It always works for me. :graduated:

  2. Technically false, as I have never tried it but true in the fact that I'd LOVE to go!


    The person below me is terrified of my super cool power to...um...SHOOT LASERS FROM MY EYES b) (The sunglasses are to protect you)

  3. wow. My first game was a Nintendo 64. Like, the one that took huge block games and only had Dr Mario and super Mario brothers. I used to fight with my sister for it until we upgraded to Spyro the Dragon on the first play station. man I loved that game! Now my little brother has one of the new 3D ds's, but I'm not really into that.


    Oh, and I just realized how much older, like born in the 60's old I sounded, but I'm not. I'm only 16! I just have parents who were a little behind when it came to games...

  4. I figure I'd go for the newbie. I went for Darigan Citadel twice before (cause they looked cool of course! That's how I choose all of my sports team :P) but didn't win either time so I thought maybe I should try something else. With my luck Darigan will probably win this year x_x)

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