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Posts posted by wistiria12

  1. good for you,at least you got good grades this year. I'm still worried about my final grades for the 1st semester, I do know that have good grades but i am trying to keep them that way so that I can get straight A anyway, congratz

  2. wistiria i sent you both food and some wearables :) i'm not hugely familiar with wearables, so its a bit random what i've sent, but hopefully fitting your theme


    Jolly, sent you a cluster of tomatoes. incidentally, today i found out that tomatoes, potatoes and belladonna (deadly nightshade) are all the same family of plants :P


    Nahemah, sent you a few items too :)

    Thanks so much, I really needed this items! I wish could you something to you all

  3. ... Under 5k... Well... Ok, I'll try because this is very fun! ( not using my computer now so... I'm using something else) Real Wishlist: shadow shoyru MP, anything sutible for my xweetok (any background or wearable that has a dark, spooky or night theme), blue petpet PB and some food for my Neopets would be nice. I would be glad if someone could at least give me some food for my pets if many of these things are too expensive than it's ok. Oh! I wanna be secret Santa so bad, but I'm way to low on np!

  4. I used to play TK, it was not fun as i thought it would be so I stop playing, but, i didn't know that they were gonna shutdown! Oh well, at least the bundle is great. Here's what I got:

    10,000 Neopoints


    Ten Dubloon Coin

    Heavy Round Shield

    Green Slorg Plushie

    Plushie Petpet Paint Brush

    Babaa Pillow

    Caring For Your Mazzew

    Cheese Shop Background

    Sparkle Potion

    Brown Winter Scarf

    The Way to Adventure Sign Post


    I'm gonna save this PPPB for a special occasion :D

  5. On 12/2/2011 at 6:24 PM, Santa Neomysterion said:

    The above post wasn't personal at all if you ask me. Also, I didn't know your username was a My Little Pony reference until I saw your post.


    You need to be on more Wistiria12, I always keep on missing you a whole lot, knowing that you come on TDN at least once or twice every month. I'm happy that you yook the time to visit us today. ^_^


    Sorry, Its been a hard semester at school: Test, pop quizzes, lots and lots of homework, school projects... Its been very hard since i started ___th grade. But its nice to see you and chat with you again. Surfing online is one of the things I do to relax like hearing music, chatting with friends and watch videos. I'll try my best to be online more recently, okay? ^_^


    Oh Hi khaos! :D

  6. wistiria,I got that name when I was about 8 years old and i watching this girly movie called "My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade", there was a character in that called Wysteria.You see, there's was a flower that loved that looked looked like a Wisteria (i think it was lavender) so got into the name, it sounded misterious (even today I like to read ghost stories and anything spooky). So when i was 9, It was my first time playing on my dad's computer.He wanted me to learn to how to use the computer for the future.Then, a year later or so,I loved playing with it, I started my first online account and I didn't know which username to choose so that's I got the idea: wistiria9...And that's why i'm called wistiria.But, actually, I change a lot these years, i'm different and i'm happy about it


    Sorry,Too personal? :guiltysmiley:

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