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Posts posted by Mallory

  1. Cute Plushies. (: Not to found of the clothes though.


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  2. I would only take pure. Before I had a trade and someone offered me an item, i accepted it and found out the item was hard to sell. Took me months to sell it and even when i did i eneded up selling it for less than what i traded for it.

  3. -50,000 NP

    -25,000 NP

    -Platinum Nerkmid X

    -25,000 NP

    I thought winning the Nerkmid will reimburse my loss. How wrong I was. I have trouble selling. I thought I asked for the lowest price but no one seems to want it 0.0 I guess the price is steadily decreasing.. ):

    Should I just play it instead?

    If I lose money again today I will stop until I earn back all the neopoints!



    Thats pretty much where I am at. I'm not spinning it anymore til I earn back my money which will take forever.

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