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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. ....*pokes*

  2. ....I'm the only one on your friends list that doesnt have a profile pic! :O

  3. ...And you have over 14,000 posts, so it was a looooooooong time ago. :P

  4. ...Hi there, thanks for rating my drawing, and welcome to the forums! *late*

  5. ...Hi there. :D

  6. ...Hi. Thanks for rating my drawing! :)

  7. ...I'm not on your friend list? :O

  8. ...It's better if you have more RL friends. :P

  9. ...Javi is Khaos is not at all Japanese-ish. :S

  10. ...Lisa?

    1. khaos


      Oh yeah, I'm Khaos.

  11. ...So, it was a trash can? xD

  12. ...There is Hang Out and Post, over 200 active topics, over 600 statuses, and you're bored? O_o

  13. ...Vivies?

  14. ...Yoshi. :D

  15. khaos

    ..I did, i already posted. but i cant be active everyday, you know. :/

  16. 'sokay. Did you beat the gym?

  17. "Does this set make me look like a TM supporter?"

  18. "oh hey here's my profile pic on FB"-Photo thread yesterday "And i'm not gonna make a Facebook because I dont like FB"- you in October of '11

    1. khaos


      I seriously went thru 9 pages on your profile feed looking for that. xD

    2. rachiee


      shutup that was like 7 months ago :<

  19. khaos

    (but i still win)

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