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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. khaos

    Yeah. The complete opposite of JN. which is a shame because I like RPing. :(

  2. Yep, I'm 11. Surprised? :P

  3. Yepzzz.

    1. flyingeevee


      Sorry...my week and soon next week are going to get hectic >.>

  4. khaos

    YES FINALLY :D So has my teachings of Pokemon inspired you? :D

  5. khaos

    Yes I did. :P Put it on your Facebook.

  6. khaos

    Yes I did. SO BAD. I am actually ROFLing right now!! XD

  7. khaos

    Yes it has :3

  8. khaos

    Yes we shall. I will join if there is still enough *rushes*

  9. yes you do. beat the 4th gym, and im in 5th gym city.

  10. Yes, by 105 xD

  11. Yes. but not too much, because... you know, if she dies... :(

  12. yo dawg i heard you like yo dawg memes so i put yo dawg in a yo dawg meme so i can hear that you like yo dawg so i put a yo dawg meme in a yo dawg meme so i can hear that you like yo dawg so i put a yo dawg meme in a yo dawg meme so i can hear that you like yo dawg so i

  13. khaos

    Yooooo you're on now. yes.

  14. You are also overkill for actually liking the avvie i made for you. xD

  15. You are BREEZING through those ranks! :O I saw you on AbslouteCorruption's page as on of the top DCers (the calculator thing) I'm almost at Rank 4 still. xP

  16. you beat my record, and it took me about 25 minutes to beat AAA. thats the one game i didnt do a rehearsal play.

  17. You changed your name!

  18. You did not answer: what part are you at now in PKMN black since your mom turned off your DS?

  19. khaos

    You don't go on FB as much as TDN or JN. :C

  20. you don't have very much profile feed. do you delete or something? :S

    1. Jess Is Somewhere Else

      Jess Is Somewhere Else

      Actually, I don't think I did. Are you sure you looked at other pages?

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