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Status Updates posted by khaos

  1. I feel as I am being ignored by a certain person. *ninja eyes*

  2. I finished your graphics!

  3. I finished your rebolished graphics!! :D

  4. I found the post that i said RRRR AAAA GRRFGTUR!!!!1111!! or whatever. I had to copy and paste it into the search bar and when i clicked on the topic, i saw the post. Page 65. xD

  5. I get your Member Title and avvy now, before i didn't watch Fullmetal Alchemist. :]

  6. I guess I'm mature for my age. :P

  7. i guess.we'll also make her scared with your squirrels, and remove the dogs.i'll wear my anti-squirrel goggles, so i won't get scared.

  8. I hate everything. I hate stress, I hate school, I hate homework, I hate everything. I'm gonna ask my English teacher if I can quit on writing and publishing my book. (No, Sweetdang, not the one you crit'd)

    1. Ezazne


      Don't give up. It doesn't make anything better.

  9. I hate procrasination. Especially when you're stuck in 2 very important situations besides the one I'm procrastinating about. Broken laptop. :(

  10. I have a forum you might like to check out as well, the link is in my profile :)

  11. I haven't seen you in a while, Rach! c:


  13. I haven't typed to you in a while. xD

  14. I heard there was a hurricane in Puerto Rico, are you okay? I heard it flooded over there, too.

  15. i herd u liek eveez. just wondering, do you think there should be another evolution of eevee? if so, then what?

  16. I honestly have no response to that.

  17. I hope your b-day gets better *gives present* c:

  18. I just downloaded 6 pictures of Gohan.

  19. I just noticed that in one of my below posts i put, "a 5-day field trip to North Carolina for 5 days." DX

  20. I just posted because you've been here before me and i've NEVER seen you before. :P I'm Khaos, nice too meet you! :]

  21. khaos

    I just realized on your really old and outdated Hiatus topic you addressed yourself as Lassi which was in my guess referring to me or some JNers. :o

  22. I just realized we haven't added each other! D:

  23. I just switched from Chrome to Firefox because Chrome is glitchy with Adobe and games don't work, but Firefox is slow.

    1. khaos


      So, i have both of them in my taskbar. :D


  24. I know you won't see this, but Happy Birthday!

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