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Status Updates posted by phyxius_on

  1. thanks for the wishes woot woot

  2. I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack lol

    1. khaos


      come back again, you have been gone for 10 dies :<

    2. phyxius_on


      yeah lol back again. got locked out of habi and gave up really concentrating on neopets. decided last draw was to reset habi back to level 1 and start again. frustrating

    3. khaos


      Did I serously just say dies there and never noticed it X/ Anyways, hope you do succeed in Habi!

  3. going away for 6 weeks starting on the 12. i most likely wont have internet access WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. dont know what i am going to do without it lol.

  4. rain rain rain and yup, more rain, arggggggggggggggggg.

    1. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      Go for a play! Rain is fun :)

  5. bug season is upon us OUCH. itchy scratchy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. khaos


      =P A couple of days ago, there was like THIRTY ants in my window! I killed like 8 in my room yesterday. But, all the bugs are in my room. >:O

    3. phyxius_on


      *passes out the bug spray* lol yuck. Javi, put pepper in your window, ants do not like pepper

    4. phyxius_on


      I hate spiders blah

  6. What on my mind??? nothing lol

    1. khaos


      congrats on being a super member!

    2. phyxius_on


      ty Javi, it seemed to take forever lol

    3. khaos


      i'm aiming for one, but i don't want to do too many posts at once and i'm trying to avoid the games forums.

  7. went geocaching today, a quick 4 caches and home again

  8. Whether you think you can, or think you can't...you are right - Henry Ford

  9. finally got the henchmen avatar a few days ago. woot woot

    1. hrtbrk


      Yay congrats! What weapons did you end up using?

    2. phyxius_on


      Greater Healing Scroll, Downsize!, Randomly Firing Freeze Ray, Essence of Esophagor, Ghostkershield (I spent all my np on this), Ylanas Blaster, Rainbow Scroll, Thicke Smoke Bomb

  10. no nascar this weekend %^

    1. hrtbrk


      That's good because NASCAR keeps bumping Cops from being on TV ;) ;P

    2. phyxius_on
  11. Snow lol. 3 inches of it.

  12. Why is it when you need assistance, there is no one willing to help, but when they need help you have to jump to?

    1. wistiria12


      yeah,it happened to me once.I needed help because by accident i didn't write cursive on my answer in my homework because it was _____ class,you had to write cursive allways in her class,and no one help me,but by good luck the teacher needed my help,she wanted me to translate something on his nephew's homework for tomorrow and because i knew _____ so much and i translated for her,she gave me an A+ on my homework,even if i didn't write cursive on it

    2. phyxius_on
  13. Soooooooo glad Busch didn't win woot woot.

  14. Seeing codestones in my sleep lol

  15. Welcome to the TDN forums ;)

  16. Gone to Bristol lol if ya know what I mean

  17. Thank goodness for cold weather. Wow I thought the supermoon would be much bigger lol

  18. A friend asked first thing this am, so sorry Wist

  19. Ohhhh mucked in. Hahahaha. (srpings version of snowed in)

  20. hehehe opps though I said that in my mail. DOH

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