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Status Updates posted by Bluefeather11

  1. HAHA first comment.

  2. I restarted the Neovian RP, if you'd like to join.

  3. My brother and my cousin are racing around trying to "catch tornadoes"..wow.

  4. Nom Nom Nom! Will...you, um accept me to your Neovia RP?

  5. Oh, maybe I could start a new one then? If you give me the OK, of course...

  6. Really......that's too bad, it looked interesting....maybe you could recreate it?

  7. Skiing at A-Basin....yay! That always means a good day. :)

    1. Bluefeather11


      Except for when you faceplant....

    2. hrtbrk


      lol oh no!

      Are you okay? You're typing so I guess that means your face is still intact ;)

  8. Thanks for the Xweetok picture! I do agree with you!

  9. Urgh. strep throat....:P

  10. Yay! AC! GOOO MARAQUA!!

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