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Posts posted by merzz

  1. That happens to me too. You just need to consistanly refresh. Mine also has a wierd limit on how much xp I can gain per refresh it goes up with levels but still its low and annoying so no matter if I wait 20 minutes or 30 minutes I sitll only get 90xp

  2. I was told that when keyquest has a special theme (like the one now is winter) the prizes arent very good, is this true?

    No they are not that good. Occassionally they will add something good like for halloween that had a snorkle snout but other then that it's kinda lame.

  3. I find smart phones just another fancy word used to raise the price of an item. Especially with Iphones and such to me they are very overpriced even though they are a nice luxury they're still completely unreasonable for the duration of a year teens usually keep their phones and get a new one.

  4. That had happened to me before, and I changed my information right away. Apparently it was a scammer and I would even consider making sure your pw is as hard as possible and different from your other pw's. Especially your hotmail one.

  5. Glad its back up and running. I thought I had something wrong with my computer at first.


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