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Posts posted by miru

  1. If you have firefox, this might be helpful:



    It lets you pick and choose sites to block and when to block them, so you can still use your computer for research/coding/whatever. You just have to avoid the temptation of resetting the timer or switching to another browser. Hopefully you have at least that much willpower! (oftentimes....I don't, especially when I have a site fully blocked. But this has helped me keep strict 30 minute limits on facebook)

  2. Wow *_* Lucky you! How long did you try to get it?

    I don't remember...I just rejoined Neopets a week ago after a 3-4 year hiatus, but back when I was active I think I tried for at least a year straight, followed by another year of on and off neopets usage during which I might not have spun the wheel every day.


    Schadenfreude? Really =DD Can you say that? Like Kindergarten? I'm used to have english terms in german but the other way around seems so strange ^^"

    But Schadenfreude is definitely the honest and one of the best pleasures^^ *feels with you*


    Yup, schadenfreude is used by English speakers too. I think it became more popular among Americans after a musical called Avenue Q came out a few years back which had an entire song about schadenfreude. Aber ich spreche auch ein bisschen Deutsch, und daher benutze ich Lehnwörter vielleicht ein bisschen mehr als andere Amerikaner :)


    Is there a ava for all the wheels?


    There isn't one for the Wheel of Slime, but otherwise yes. The Wheels of Excitement, Mediocrity, Misfortune, Monotony, and Knowledge all have avatars. I finally have them all!

  3. Knowledge: AVATAR! Finally :D (Also, serious Schadenfreude since I know that its one that a lot of the top av collectors don't have for no good reason)


    I can't remember if it's worth it to spin wheels once you have the avatar...I know I used to always spin Excitement because I felt like it was nice to me, but then again I also used to always buy scratchcards, which people say aren't that great of an investment...

  4. Is the default gender for newly created accounts "male"? Or did I just miss that box when I signed up (and male was the first option in the dropdown menu...which is essentially the same as having it as the default gender)? I definitely don't remember setting myself as male, and then when I posted my intro I looked at my profile summary box and noticed that it said "Gender: Male" and basically thought "0____o oh no no no no no".


    It's not that big of a deal to me personally, and I went and fixed it right away, but it raises kind of a bigger question. Some people would be pretty seriously offended by having the default gender be male (yeah, I'm friends with a fair number of people who go to a women's college....woo feminism...also, transgendered folk probably wouldn't appreciate either). Is it possible to have Not Telling be the default instead?


    Sorry if this is just caused by me accidentally misclicking something :-/

  5. Hey, I'm Miru. I'm basically just another bored college student who was reminded of Neopets and accidentally re-addicted themselves. Well, hopefully I'm not entirely readdicted, since I have classes to work on and stuff. Anyway, I just rejoined Neopets 2 days ago and I figured I should get on one of the helper sites as well. I used to just stick with avatarlog, but they're down and kind of hard to navigate, so I ended up with TDN. Voila!


    As for myself, I'm a junior Computer Science major at an awesome tiny school. I really love it here and usually don't find time for Neopets, but my roommate is gone this semester and I've been finding myself a little bit distracted. It'll probably balance out in a week or so - I'll be on Neo a lot less than I am now (over 5 hours today 0_o so bad), but I won't have entirely left it alone since I'm kind of bent on getting some avvies, in particular all the silly painted Neopet ones since people are pretty comfortable with using the transfer system now. I'm on a transfer chain in March, so I kind of have to be semi-active until then. At the same time, school might just get to crazy and I'll take myself off the chain. We'll see.


    So yeah...hello! and I look forward to chatting with you all :)

  6. For those of you who were wondering what the code is, it's just the code for all of the stats on your active Neopet. It showed which numbers correspond to which value (e.g. intel >95 == MASTER GENIUS), which I thought was pretty cute. In other words the code doesn't really appear to have anything to do with what was broken, since I doubt that anyone was changing that part of the code. Its really no different than the picture of your active at the bottom of the screen (but it's code so everyone thinks "OMG NEOPETS IS HAXXORDED!!!11")


    Also, if you're ever wondering if you are the only person experiencing something crazy like this, go to twitter and search for neopets. If its a site wide issue then lots of people will be whining about it :P

  7. Your wording's a little ambiguous so I'm not quite sure what you're asking.



    If they were using the *trade* function, and Person B simply did not accept the trade, then that would be OK. Annoying for the person who lost the transfer, but perfectly legal as far as I know.


    If they were just using regular transfers and Person A had already transferred their pet over to Person B's account, then this would obviously not be OK. They had agreed earlier that they would be trading pets, so not tranferring Pet B over to Person A's account would be scamming. TNT has explicitly stated in the NT that this is not OK (unlike the open pound, transfers are more of a contract) and they will try to freeze people who do it. (Moral of the story - use the trade function if you're trading pets).

  8. 20 pets is too much to ask for. Even just 5 is enough, and it won't really kill TNT to do this.


    I sent my ticket in over a month ago regarding that. They didn't even take a look at it, let alone answer it.


    They probably get a ticket about this every single day. I sent in a full blown essay 5 years back when I was active. Which is probably more proof that they won't ever change the policy. Then again, they did create the transfer system for the pound, which I never, ever thought would happen (much less the pet trading! That whole idea kind of sickens me...). Maybe we'll get luck at some point.


    Also, regarding the technical issues with 5 pets, Adam (borovan) has 5 pets on his account, and it doesn't seem to be breaking anything. And if they follow any sort of programming practices the number won't be literally hard-coded - that's what we call a magic number (yuck). It should be a constant somewhere that wouldn't take too much effort to change.



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  9. Lately I've been doing nothing :P ... but then I saw one of my suitemates on Neopets on her iPad and I just had to get back on...



    Now I'm on a transfer list for a Coco Jubjub all the way in March, and I need to make sure that I don't lose my spot so I'll probably be logging in every day. Basically I plan on doing my dailies, and trying to catch any relatively easy avatars that have been released in the last couple of years. With the whole transferring thing, I'm also going to be doing anything I can do to get onto more transfer chains. Soooo much easier to get those painted pet avatars now :D

  10. Oooh, I'd second the Terry Pratchett recommend. I own about 10 of the Discworld series books. They're pretty hilarious.


    I just read Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell over break. It's kind of long and not very action packed, so you have to have a bit of patience. The quality of the writing is good though, as is the humor if you can get it. It's set in 19th Century England and is sort of like a Jane Austen book in that it centers on social interactions between pairs of characters. It's about friendship and magic.


    Neal Stephenson books are pretty good (and I've only read Snow Crash and Diamond Age, which aren't even his best according to my friends), but be warned that he doesn't know how to write endings :P


    I can't believe nobody's mentioned Ender's Game 0_o Maybe I just live in a nerd bubble.


    That's all I can remember for now. Happy reading :D

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