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Posts posted by dasavo

  1. My neopets is working, it is just extremely slow and sometimes doesn't load completely. I thought maybe it was my computer that had a virus or something, but I am happy that other people have the same problem and it isn't just me. Well not happy haha, but you know what I mean. i hope neopets starts running properly again......

  2. I think abortions should be legal, but you have to pay for them. Like that people have the option to get it, but won't relie on it because it is way more expensive than contraceptives. What I find is stupid is that in Ontario, you can get an abortion for free. The government doesn't pay for contraceptives, but they pay for abortions. And viagra. (but that's another issue.) Completely rediculous. In anything medical, prevention is always worth more than a cure.

  3. I have never used the lab ray for training, it is too risky and not really worth it. The training schools are the most reliable method to train I think, since you can pick exactly what happens and such, but it is expensive, which is why I don't really train my pets much. Though I keep collecting codestones with the intention of training, but never do it.

  4. Yeah, I definitely say sell too. I rather have guaranteed 250k than maybe (probably not) millions. Plus even if you got that item it is probably a HTS, so it wouldn't cash out for maybe months. Sell :)

  5. I finally assembled my map pieces today. I had already gotten 7 from the squid, so i just had to buy 2 more for 3k each, and got 5k out of the shore. I thought it was pretty good until I saw other people post here that they got 12k on the first day. Oh well, I just want the avatar. :)

  6. From the fruit machine:


    You have won 15,000 Neopoints!

    You also win a Jelly Muffin and a Stone Paint Brush!


    I was so excited to have won a paint brush at the fruit machine!... until i checked it's price. Oh well, 15k from the fruit machine isn't bad at all :)

  7. I'm not that excited about september because it means that school will be starting again soon. :-P I wonder if Faerie land is going to go back in the sky on the faaerie festival? Probably not.... but i can always hope it does!

  8. I have wanted a maraquan eyrie since before the maraquan colour even came out for the eyrie. When it did finally come out, i was ecstatic, and i was even more ecstatic when I got an FFQ and was able to paint my Eyrie! I've never had a second thought that she was meant to be an maraquan.

  9. I call my friend gay all the time, but that's only because he is actually homosexual haha. But yes, i do not people who use the word offensively, to mean that you are homosexual and therefore somehow less than a person? I'm not really sure but I defnitely know people who use it offensively. Like everyone is saying, it is a lot about context.


    As for the N word, I have never used it and most probably never will because I am white as white. And I don't think it is appropriate for me to use it.

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