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Posts posted by Oblivion

  1. Normally Ian's not the one that finds stuff (I can only guess no News people were on and he spotted it...) but we have spiffy ways of using TNT's image formats to find things. For example, Caption Content images always have the same URL, with just the contest number changed for each. For things like these collars, there's a one or two formats that they might use. For example (and note that I haven't had to help news in forever so this likely isn't the real URL bit) aisha_maracite_color or something after all the neopets.com/... stuff. So Woodland would be aisha_woodland_collar with that format. Make sense?


    OHHHHHHH, I SEE. No wonder, I was really confused before. I thought Ian worked for Neopets. Now I get it. Thanks Anime.

  2. I'm so glad Christmas is over. Maybe now everyone can stop talking about it. I hate holidays.


    If you hate holidays, then why are you even posting? It doesn't even matter if Christmas is over, we still have New Years. Think positive.

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