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Posts posted by Sigma

  1. i idolize my mom smile.gif. she does everything for us and gave birth to us. I idolize my dad too cause he helps keep the family togetherr, and takes care of things. i idolize my parents i guess, they're my heros.


    Yeah I idolize my parents ALMOST all the time except when i get in trouble lol

  2. I made a new one:(works only in IE but Firefox is ok but the effect isnt good)


    My Userlookup


    Go ahead be as criticizing as much as you want! I used a different style and the bg in the corner is too big and the words dont show up properly its supposed to say "The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift" but it only says "Drift"

  3. I got this from a TV show I dont know if people find it funny and if it goes here but I love it!


    Andy: My father always said that glue will fix anything!


    *vase breaks*


    Friend: Maybe your father should buy better glue.


    -Andy Larkin and Friend - Whats With Andy

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